Chattanooga Times Free Press



WASHINGTON — The Irish expect the worst to happen at any moment. And they have what my colleague Dan Barry calls “a wry acceptance of mortality.”

Still, Ireland was shaken to its core in 2012 by the death of Savita Halappanav­ar, a beautiful, sparkling 31-year-old Indian immigrant, a dentist married to an Indian engineer. Savita was expecting her first child. She wore a new dress for the baby shower and prayed for the future. But that night she got sick. She went to a Galway hospital, where she was crushed to learn that her fetal membranes were bulging and her 17-week-old fetus would not survive.

Knowing her life was at stake, she begged the medical staff to remove the fetus. As Kitty Holland wrote in “Savita: The Tragedy That Shook a Nation,” a midwife explained to her, “It’s a Catholic thing. We don’t do it here.” Ireland had a long history of punishing women, sending them to religious asylums if they were pregnant out of wedlock or deemed “fallen.” Savita developed septic shock and died four days after her baby girl, whom she named Prasa, was stillborn.

That tragedy jolted the turbulent debate in Ireland about the right of women to control their bodies. Savita’s story was vividly evoked by women and men when I covered the 2018 referendum to revoke the Vaticanapp­roved Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constituti­on, which made abortions illegal, even in cases of rape or incest. That draconian amendment had women selling their cars and going to loan sharks to get the money to fly to England for procedures.

I remember having a flash of gratitude that I lived in America and not Ireland. I thought to myself that I would hate living in such a benighted country shaped by religious fanatics.

But now I am. Religious fanatics on the Supreme Court have yanked America back to back alleys. American women are punished, branded with Scarlet Letters, forced to flee to get procedures.

I’m sure even Donald Trump, who was once pro-choice but now panders to evangelica­ls, has qualms about criminaliz­ing abortion. It’s a political loser and could cost him the election if women are supermobil­ized. He called Gov. Ron DeSantis’ six-week abortion ban in Florida “a terrible thing and a terrible mistake.” Once Trump bragged about appointing the conservati­ve justices on the court who were pivotal in overturnin­g Roe v. Wade. But that won’t be a great sales pitch in the general election.

It is outrageous that such an important right in America was stripped away by a handful of cloistered, robed zealots, driven by religious doctrine, with no accountabi­lity.

But the Savonarola wing of the Supreme Court — all Catholics except Neil Gorsuch, who was raised Catholic and went to the same suburban Washington Catholic prep school as Brett Kavanaugh — could go to even more extreme lengths. The court announced Wednesday that it will consider curtailing the availabili­ty of a pill used to terminate first-trimester pregnancie­s. Soon, it’ll be mandating the rhythm method.

An explosive New York Times article by Jodi Kantor and Adam Liptak revealed that Justice Samuel Alito was even more underhande­d than we knew as he plotted to engineer “a titanic shift in the law” by vitiating Roe. Conservati­ve judges who assured the Senate that Roe was settled law in their confirmati­on hearings could barely wait until Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died to throw it in the constituti­onal rights rubbish bin.

The more we learn, the more infuriatin­g it is that our lives and choices about our bodies are determined by conniving radicals. The Supreme Court is way, way out of order.

 ?? ?? Maureen Dowd
Maureen Dowd

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