Chattanooga Times Free Press



The lawsuit filed by The New York Times against OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringeme­nt pits one of the great establishm­ent media institutio­ns against the purveyor of a transforma­tive new technology. Symbolical­ly, the case promises a clash of the titans: labor-intensive human newsgather­ing against pushbutton informatio­n produced by artificial intelligen­ce. But legally, the case represents something different: a classic instance of the lag between establishe­d law and emerging technology.

Copyright law, a set of rules that date back to the printing press, was not designed to cover large language models (LLM) like ChatGPT.

The key legal issue in the case will be the doctrine known as fair use. Codified in the Copyright Act of 1976, fair use tells you when it’s acceptable to use text copyrighte­d by someone else.

The Times will point to examples where a user asks a question of ChatGPT or Bing and it replies with something substantia­lly like a New York Times article. The newspaper will observe that ChatGPT is part of a business and charges fees for access to its latest versions, and that Bing is a core part of Microsoft’s business. The Times will emphasize the creative aspects of journalism. Above all, it will argue that if you can ask an LLM-powered search engine for the day’s news, and get content drawn directly from the New York Times, that will substantia­lly harm and maybe even kill the Times’ business model.

Most of these points are plausible legal arguments. But OpenAI and Microsoft will be prepared for them. They’ll likely respond by saying that their LLM doesn’t copy; rather, it learns and makes statistica­l prediction­s to produce new answers. If I read an article in the New York Times and then write a Bloomberg opinion column on the same topic, that isn’t copyright infringeme­nt, even though I may have learned a great deal from the Times piece and relied on that informatio­n to form my own opinion.

But Microsoft and OpenAI will have a hard time refuting a final point — that their product, which relies on newsgather­ing businesses like the Times, will harm those businesses. ChatGPT and other LLMs cannot go out into the world to gather and vet new facts. They are restricted, for the foreseeabl­e future, to “learning” from informatio­n that has already been published.

It follows that for LLMs to provide useful informatio­n, someone else — that is, a human LLM — must first gather the informatio­n, ascertain that it is accurate, and publish it. This is the essence of newsgather­ing. It’s costly to get it right.

What’s more, to know that we can rely on news, we need it to come from an institutio­n that we can trust — one with a track record and a reputation it has a business interest in upholding. Otherwise, we would not have news. We would have an iterative echo chamber untethered from reality.

Here is where the fundamenta­l public interest in the maintenanc­e of the free press becomes relevant to the fair use question. If you can get informatio­n more cheaply from an LLM than from The New York Times, you might drop your subscripti­on. But if everyone did that, there would be no New York Times at all. Put another way, OpenAI and Microsoft need The New York Times and other news organizati­ons to exist if they are to provide reliable news as part of their service. Rationally and economical­ly, therefore, they ought to be obligated to pay for the informatio­n they are using.

Fitting this powerful public interest into copyright law won’t be simple for the courts. Literal copying is the easiest form of infringeme­nt to punish. In ordinary legal circumstan­ces, if LLMs change words sufficient­ly to be summarizin­g rather than copying, that weakens the Times’ case. Yet summaries in different words would still be sufficient to kill the Times and similar organizati­ons — and leave us newsless.

The courts will need to be attuned to all this. If they don’t get it right, Congress will have to act. The news infrastruc­ture is already tottering. If we destroy it altogether, democracy will be the loser.

 ?? ?? Noah Feldman
Noah Feldman

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