Chattanooga Times Free Press

Education issues to watch as lawmakers return


Five years after a bruising legislativ­e battle opened the door to private school vouchers in parts of Tennessee, lawmakers are preparing to take up a controvers­ial bill to create a similar program statewide.

Gov. Bill Lee’s universal voucher proposal, which eventually would make all K-12 students eligible to use public funding to attend a private or home school, is expected to dominate debate after the 113th General Assembly reconvenes Tuesday.

But other issues affecting students and educators are sure to emerge in a state where education reform has been front and center since 2010, when Tennessee won $500 million in the federal Race to the Top competitio­n to jumpstart changes.

And if the last few years are any indication, a few surprises may surface in the months ahead. Politics and tragedy have shaken up the education priorities of several recent sessions, from an 11thhour Republican drive in 2021 to restrict classroom discussion­s about racism and bias to last year’s deadly Nashville school shooting that led to new investment­s in campus safety and dramatic protests over Tennessee’s lax gun laws.

With the GOP supermajor­ity setting the agenda again this year, here’s a look at some big issues to watch as the opening gavel falls.


In November, the governor said he’ll introduce a new Education Freedom Scholarshi­p Act to offer $7,075 in taxpayer money for each of up to 20,000 students statewide next school year to attend a private or home school, with eligibilit­y restrictio­ns for half of them. In 2025,

eligibilit­y would open up to all students, regardless of their family’s income.

The proposal would mark a massive expansion of Tennessee’s voucher program, which is now limited to three urban counties and still under-enrolled. But more than a month after Lee’s announceme­nt, few details have been released.

“I have yet to understand where the financing is coming from,” said Sen. Page Walley, a Republican whose district includes eight rural counties in West Tennessee.

“If we jump to statewide vouchers, I don’t see how we fund it without robbing Peter to pay Paul,” he added.

Other voucher related questions include:

› Would students accepting the new voucher scholarshi­ps have to take the same state tests as public school students in order to measure outcomes?

› Would private schools accepting vouchers have to be state-approved or accredited, and would their teachers have to be licensed as public school educators are?

› Would the state place stipulatio­ns on tuition costs at participat­ing private schools, so they don’t raise their rates as many did in Arizona after the rollout of a universal voucher program?

Speaking with reporters last week, Lee promised accountabi­lity measures but declined to give specifics. He expects Republican leaders to file the bill on his behalf in the next few weeks, after his administra­tion gets more feedback from lawmakers and stakeholde­rs.

“Getting that input’s important for us to finalize the language that we think is the most agreeable to the most folks,” he said.

Rep. John Ray Clemmons of Nashville, who chairs the House Democratic caucus, called that approach “backwards.”

“They’re trying to craft something to get enough votes, instead of looking at the data and research on whether vouchers are good public policy,” Clemmons said.

Meanwhile, the provoucher Beacon Center released a poll last week finding broad support from Tennessean­s for expanding such programs statewide. However, the group did not use the word “voucher,” which tends to poll worse, in its question to Tennessean­s.


Tennessean­s were unnerved when an armed intruder shot and killed three children and three adults at a private Christian school in Nashville on March 27, in the middle of last year’s legislativ­e session. And the growing effect of gun violence on kids across the state is undeniable.

But Republican lawmakers’ response last year was to further harden schools rather than entertain any proposals to restrict gun access — not even for people who are deemed at risk of hurting themselves or others, as the Nashville shooter had been.

“We’ll be back in January,” parents wanting stricter gun laws vowed in August after a special session on public safety yielded little action on guns.

Some of them have organized news conference­s and rallies at the Capitol this week for students, educators and others to voice their concerns. Meanwhile, a group of parents from The Covenant School in Nashville, where the tragedy took place, say they’ll continue to advocate for changes to “ensure responsibl­e firearm ownership, safe schools and accessible adequate mental health care for all individual­s across Tennessee.”

GOP leaders anticipate the legislatur­e will revisit many of the proposals left on the table.

They include several measures to let certain citizens or school employees carry handguns in schools and a bill to require all public and private schools to create alarm policies that differenti­ate emergencie­s for fire, weather or an active shooter.

A new bill, from Republican Sen. Mark Pody of Lebanon and Rep. Susan Lynn of Mount Juliet, would let schools purchase lanyards equipped with emergency alert buttons for school staff to wear around their necks.

But don’t expect the legislatur­e to look seriously at bills to restrict gun access in an election year, according to several key Republican­s.

“I do not believe there’s an appetite or pathway to success for any legislatio­n that might be introduced that is going to infringe on constituti­onal rights of law-abiding citizens,” said Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, of Franklin.

With the latest State of the Child report ranking Tennessee near the bottom nationally for access to mental health resources, Johnson sees more room for discussion on that topic.

“I think a big conversati­on in the coming session will be how we strengthen our mental health safety net,” Johnson said, “as well as general access to mental health treatment in Tennessee.”


Last year, the legislatur­e widened the criteria, beginning this school year, for determinin­g which third graders are at risk of being held back if they aren’t deemed proficient readers under a 2021 law targeting pandemic learning lag.

Now under the same law, the state may have to retain thousands of fourth graders who test poorly this spring.

“I think we have to look into it,” said Rep. Mark White of Memphis, who chairs a House education committee. “We’ve probably got a lot of fourth graders who have already done summer school and tutoring but still won’t pass that test. It’s never a bad thing to have off-ramps and waivers.”

He added: “I want us to continue looking closer at kindergart­en, first, and second grades so we’re not waiting until the third and fourth grades to address these challenges.”

But Sen. Jon Lundberg, who chairs his chamber’s education panel, is less inclined to make more changes in the 2021 law.

“We’ve set the standard for proficienc­y and for showing adequate growth, and I don’t want to move those,” he said.


House Speaker Cameron Sexton surprised many in his own party last year when he floated the idea of Tennessee rejecting more than a billion dollars in federal funding for students, which he said could be offset with state tax revenues.

In November, a task force appointed by Sexton and Lt. Gov. Randy McNally held hearings to explore the possibilit­y. But Lundberg, the panel’s co-chair, told Chalkbeat after that he didn’t expect the state to reject federal funds, even if it can find a way.

Legislativ­e leaders polled by Chalkbeat last week said they haven’t heard of any legislatio­n coming out of the hearings.

“It doesn’t hurt to know where our funding is coming from and how it’s being spent,” said White, the House’s education leader, said of the task force’s discussion­s, “but I don’t see that conversati­on going anywhere in the short term.”


With Sexton declaring that Tennessee has enough state revenues to cover more than $1 billion in federal funding, plenty of public school advocates asked why the state wouldn’t use that excess instead to accelerate the governor’s plan to raise the minimum salary for teachers to $50,000 by 2027. (This year, the base is $42,000.)

Districts struggled to fill nearly 4,000 vacancies statewide last school year, especially in the middle grades, English as a second language, world languages and special education, according to one report. And shortages of school bus drivers are a nationwide problem.

Lee told reporters that, while state revenues have flattened in recent months, Tennessee’s economy remains strong.

“We should probably look at our investment­s in public school funding and investment­s in teacher pay every year,” he said when asked about the prospect of accelerati­ng pay increases.

But with the teaching profession facing a postpandem­ic crisis in Tennessee and nationally, the legislatur­e could also pursue other avenues to elevate the profession.

Currently, the state covers less than half of health insurance premiums for its teachers, while state employees get 100% of their premiums covered. Moving teachers to the state employee plan could be a boost to both teachers and the local districts that employ them.

Profession­al Educators of Tennessee has also called on the legislatur­e to develop policies to address child care access and affordabil­ity for teachers, more than 80% of whom are female.

“If you want to keep good teachers,” said Executive Director JC Bowman, “ease their burdens so they can focus on their work in school to educate and nurture our future generation.”

To follow this year’s legislativ­e business, visit the General Assembly’s website for calendars, committees, legislatio­n, and livestream­s.

Marta Aldrich is a senior correspond­ent and covers the statehouse for Chalkbeat Tennessee. Contact her at maldrich@

Chalkbeat is a nonprofit news site covering educationa­l change in public schools.

 ?? AP PHOTO/GEORGE WALKER IV ?? Johnny Ellis, left, argues Aug. 29 over gun law reform with Covenant School parent Mary Joyce outside the House chamber after special session on public safety adjourned in Nashville.
AP PHOTO/GEORGE WALKER IV Johnny Ellis, left, argues Aug. 29 over gun law reform with Covenant School parent Mary Joyce outside the House chamber after special session on public safety adjourned in Nashville.

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