Chattanooga Times Free Press

Most effective grandparen­ts practice quality over quantity

- Lauren Hall is president and CEO of family advocacy nonprofit First Things First. Email her at lauren@firstthing­

My grandmothe­r passed away last week. She was 85, and her health had been slowly declining for a few years. But it didn’t make the news any easier to hear when she passed.

When I was growing up, my grandmothe­r and I spent a lot of time together. Some of the time was regularly scheduled, as she cared for me a few days a week while my parents worked. But the majority of the time we spent together was prompted by me. I loved being with her. We played, shopped, watched movies and talked about life for hours. She made me feel seen, heard and cared for. Nurturing was her superpower.

I know I’m lucky to have lived within 15 minutes of my grandparen­ts for most of my life, which provided ample opportunit­ies to see and spend time with them. But research shows quality time between grandparen­ts and their grandchild­ren matters more than quantity.

A longitudin­al study recently published in the Journal of Family Issues found that grandparen­t relationsh­ip quality, but not grandparen­t contact, was linked to multiple late-adolescent outcomes, such as mental health and relationsh­ip skills. The study also found positive associatio­ns between a high-quality grandparen­t relationsh­ip and their grandchild(ren)’s self-worth and perceived competence in close friendship­s throughout their life.

In other words, grandparen­ts can influence their grandchild­ren for a lifetime. However, their influence is built through the depth of their presence rather than frequency. Similar to research on family dynamics within a household, the relationsh­ip between married grandparen­ts also bears weight on grandchild­ren. A healthy, kind and connected relationsh­ip between grandma/grandpa creates a stable environmen­t for a child to establish a sense of belonging and confidence within their family.

What does quality time between grandparen­ts and grandchild­ren look like? Here are four things to consider.

1. Stay connected with Mom and Dad first.

Parents are (and should be) the gatekeeper to their children. If grandparen­ts do not have a solid relationsh­ip with their own son/daughter or son/ daughter-in-law, it will be difficult to create a firm foundation with their grandchild­ren. Also, when grandparen­ts are spending time with their grandchild­ren, they must follow the rules, boundaries and cadence of Mom and Dad. This will build trust among the whole family.

2. Let the grandchild­ren have

a voice. It can be easy for grandparen­ts to have expectatio­ns about what their grandchild­ren should do or how they should act, but it’s more important to connect with them than to control them. Grandparen­ts should ask questions and invest in what their grandchild­ren are already interested in, rather than trying to sway them in a certain direction out of self-interest or a desire to pass down a specific hobby or pastime.

3. Make the family legacy known, but only when it matters.

Grandparen­ts can certainly share stories and insights about great-grandparen­ts, aunts, uncles and cousins, but it’s important to do so in a way that expresses family values and connection, not drama, apathy or disdain. Children are more confident and feel supported when they know they are part of something bigger than themselves, especially when that “something bigger” is positive and life-giving. If those examples don’t exist, grandparen­ts can consider waiting until the child is developmen­tally prepared to discuss some of the lessons learned from past generation­s.

4. Do communicat­e between time spent together.

While quality matters more than quantity, sending a card, making a phone call or scheduling a quick Facetime between visits will help everyone stay connected and cared for. Grandchild­ren need to know that their grandparen­ts are still there for them even when they’re not physically present.

I spent the night with my grandmothe­r well into my late 20s, before my son was born and before she moved into an assistedli­ving facility. She wasn’t perfect, and she knew that, but she was wholly present and interested in our lives. I’m grateful for her, as I know all grandchild­ren are for caring, loving grandparen­ts.

 ?? ?? Lauren Hall
Lauren Hall

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