Chattanooga Times Free Press

Georgia Congressio­nal candidates jump onto ballot as qualifying begins


ATLANTA — Georgia’s 2024 elections kicked into high gear Monday with the start of qualifying for state and federal offices.

Dozens of candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties streamed to the state Capitol to sign papers and pay their qualifying fees, while those running for nonpartisa­n posts and as independen­ts lined up across the street to qualify with the secretary of state’s office. Candidates have until noon Friday to sign up.

While the presidenti­al contest will top Georgia’s November ballots, all 14 of the state’s congressio­nal seats, plus its 56 state Senate seats and 180 state House seats are also up for grabs. Parties will decide their nominees in primaries May 21, the same day Georgia will elect judges and other nonpartisa­n offices. Runoffs will be held June 18 for any offices in which a candidate doesn’t win a majority May 21.

Because of court-ordered redistrict­ing, all the members of Congress whose districts touch metro Atlanta have at least some new territory, as do many state Senate districts in metro Atlanta and state House districts in metro Atlanta and middle Georgia. A judge ruled those lines discrimina­ted against Black voters, prompting another round of redistrict­ing that is likely to preserve Republican majorities.

Of the 13 congressio­nal incumbents seeking reelection, 12 quickly qualified on Monday. They included all five Democratic U.S. representa­tives — the 2nd Congressio­nal District’s Sanford Bishop, the 4th District’s Hank Johnson, the 5th District’s Nikema Williams, the 6th District’s Lucy McBath, and the 13th District’s David Scott. Also qualifying were seven of the eight Republican incumbents seeking election: the 1st District’s Buddy Carter, the 5th District’s Andrew Clyde, the 7th District’s Rich McCormick, the 8th District’s Austin Scott, the 11th District’s Barry Loudermilk, the 12th District’s Rick Allen and the 14th District’s Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Georgia’s 2024 presidenti­al election is likely to be close again. But because of how Republican­s drew the congressio­nal districts, none are expected to produce competitiv­e races in November.

That means primaries are likely to determine the winners. With Republican U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson, who has represente­d western Georgia’s 3rd District for four terms, not running for reelection, GOP candidates are scrambling to replace him.

Four qualified on Monday, including former state Sens. Mike Crane of Franklin and Mike Dugan of Carrollton, former state Rep. Philip Singleton of Sharpsburg, and former police officer and purchasing manager Jim Bennett of Bowdon. Others are expected to qualify in coming days.

Singleton is touting his record as an outspoken conservati­ve who nettled House leadership during his time in the state legislatur­e and his work as McCormick’s congressio­nal chief of staff.

“Hopes and dreams don’t achieve anything in our in our form of government,” he said. “You have to we have to do the work.”

Dugan points to his military, business and legislativ­e background.

“It’s a job interview,” he said. “I’m asking the constituen­ts of the 3rd District to hire me.”

McBath is running in her third drasticall­y different district in six years, covering parts of Cobb, Douglas, Fulton and Fayette counties. Republican­s also targeted her former district when they redrew lines in 2021. She said she will continue to emphasize lowering drug prices, health care, worker training and gun control.

“We keep having these discussion­s over and over again, but I’m happy to represent any constituen­t,” McBath said of her redrawn district. “I’m happy to continue to do the work. And I have decided as I have in every election, I will not let the extremist Republican­s determine when my work in Congress is done. I will let the people decide.”

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