Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Mona Charen

President Joe Biden chose to scrap a bit with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia at the State of the Union — a choice that should remind us of the old saw, “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

Greene has two modes: heckling and lying. This time, she was doing both by bellowing that Biden should “Say her name,” a reference to Laken Riley, the nursing student who was murdered by an undocument­ed immigrant. Biden said the name (though he mangled it) and added the reasonable observatio­n that thousands of people are murdered every year by the native born. A few progressiv­e speech police then attacked Biden (!) for using the politicall­y incorrect terminolog­y for the murderer, causing Biden to correct himself, and here we are — all covered in mud while the pig is grinning.

Biden’s initial instinct was good, even if the execution and followthro­ugh left something to be desired. But that doesn’t mean Biden should shrink from the subject in future. On the contrary, the false immigratio­n narrative is clearly damaging Biden’s standing.

Cards on the table: I’m for increased immigratio­n. Immigrants are vital to our economy. They will contribute an estimated $7 trillion to our GDP over the next 10 years. They contribute more to the economy than they take from it. Yes, our immigratio­n laws are in need of reform — as the Biden administra­tion at length conceded. But while revising our criteria for asylum and hiring new immigratio­n judges, we must not lose sight of the fact that being a magnet for those who want a better life is an American strength, not a weakness.

Greene cited the case of Laken Riley because she was a young, white woman murdered by an illegal immigrant. A group of GOP senators led by Rand Paul is muscling in on the stunt by demanding documents relating to the case. This is key to the cynical effort to convince Americans that most immigrants are dangerous criminals. Donald Trump has only ratcheted up his incitement.

It’s all lies.

In 2022, there were 18,785 murders in the United States. Some of them happened in Greene’s district. A Dalton, Georgia, man escorting his girlfriend to the home of her ex was arrested after stabbing the ex to death. Also in Dalton, a 19-year-old pled guilty to second-degree murder for supplying a 16-year-old girl with fentanyl. In Rome, Georgia, a man was convicted of slaying two sisters he believed had stolen his wallet. He shot them and dumped their bodies in a river. He later found the wallet behind his TV.

Is the Republican governor of Georgia to blame? Is Greene? Should she say their names?

A Stanford University study of incarcerat­ion rates going all the way back to the 19th century shows that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes of every descriptio­n than are the native-born. “Far from the rapists and drug dealers that anti-immigrant politician­s claim them to be, immigrants today are doing relatively well.” Criminolog­ists have consistent­ly found that immigrant-heavy neighborho­ods in big cities have less crime, not more crime, than other areas.

It’s rich that Republican­s are seeking to blame Biden for murders committed by illegal immigrants when they just rejected a bill that would have hired thousands of new border patrol agents and asylum officers, and allocated $20 billion for new detention facilities, improved drug detection technology, and more immigratio­n judges. It would also have dramatical­ly overhauled the standards for asylum. But the GOP foot soldiers, after stoking anti-immigrant hysteria for years, refused to take yes for an answer precisely because the incitement is the policy.

Biden’s fundamenta­l decency was on display during the State of the Union when he extended his deep sympathy to Laken Riley’s family for their loss. The same cannot be said for Greene and company, whose bad faith is exceeded only by their shamelessn­ess.

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