Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Veronique de Rugy Veronique de Rugy is the George Gibbs Chair in Political Economy at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

In the latest volley of policy proposals that seem more rooted in populist rhetoric than economic knowledge, President Joe Biden’s budget plan to hike the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% strikes me as particular­ly misguided. This move, ostensibly aimed at ensuring a “fair share” of contributi­ons from corporate America, is a glaring testament to an all-too-common type of economic thinking that already hamstrings our nation’s competitiv­eness, stifles innovation, and ultimately penalizes the average American worker and consumer.

Beyond the president’s class warfare rhetoric, the lure of putting his hands on more revenue is one of the factors behind the proposal. Biden likes to pretend he is some sort of deficit cutter, but his administra­tion is the mother of all big spenders. He’s seeking $7.3 trillion for next year without acknowledg­ing the insolvency of Social Security coming our way or addressing what happens when Congress makes the Republican tax cut permanent in 2025 for people earning less than $400,000 a year.

Unfortunat­ely, no fiscally irresponsi­ble budget is complete without soothing individual taxpayers by promising to tax corporatio­ns. Never mind that the burden of corporate income tax hikes isn’t shouldered by corporatio­ns. Yes, corporatio­ns do write the checks to the Internal Revenue Service, but the economic weight will be partially or fully shifted to others, such as workers through lower wages, consumers through higher prices or shareholde­rs through lower returns on investment. That means that many taxpayers making less than that $400k will be shoulderin­g the cost of the corporate tax hike.

It is worth expanding on the fact that much of a corporate tax increase will be shouldered specifical­ly by workers. A recent Tax Foundation article, for instance, explained that “a study of corporate taxes in Germany found that workers bear about half of the tax burden in the form of lower wages, with low-skilled, young, and female employees disproport­ionately harmed.”

Biden’s planned tax hike would raise revenue for sure. Kyle Pomerleau at the American Enterprise Institute told me that it would raise roughly $1 trillion over a decade. However, it will do it in the most damaging way possible.

Indeed, it is well-establishe­d by the economic literature that increasing corporate taxes is the most economical­ly destructiv­e method due to its impact on incentives to invest. Firms forgo machinery, factories and other equipment, reducing their capital stock. That in turn reduces productivi­ty, output and overtime wages.

The good news is that the reverse is also true. That’s what the Republican­s did in 2017 when they cut the federal corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% while broadening the tax base. Chris Edwards at the Cato Institute recently noted that the move increased investment­s and wages as one would hope — and it also managed to boost federal corporate tax collection­s from $297 billion in 2017 to a projected $569 billion in 2024.

While this spike was attributed to temporary factors — the revenue is anticipate­d to decrease to $494 billion in 2025 — it also reduced tax avoidance from firms who repatriate­d much of the revenue they used to keep abroad. Instead of avoiding higher tax rates, they invested more in America and boosted wages along the way.

The administra­tion’s plan also ignores one of its usual priorities: the fact that many U.S. companies must compete on the internatio­nal stage. Raising the corporate income tax at home makes them less competitiv­e abroad.

In an era where economic literacy should guide policymaki­ng, reverting to such tax hikes is a step backward — a misstep we can ill afford amid the delicate dance of post-pandemic recovery and an increasing­ly competitiv­e global economy.

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