Chattanooga Times Free Press

ACL repair options depend on lifestyle and severity


Dear Doctors: I twisted my knee snowboardi­ng. I thought it was just a sprain, but it turns out I have a partial tear in my ACL. My doctor says I need surgery. If I just wait and am very careful, won’t it eventually heal by itself ?

Dear Reader: The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is one of the four major ligaments in the knee, which is the largest joint in the body. For those who aren’t familiar, ligaments are strong, fibrous strands of connective tissue that attach a bone to another bone. The ACL weaves through the middle of the knee and helps link the femur, or thigh bone, to the tibia, the larger of the two bones that make up the shin.

The knee is a hinge joint. Its structure allows about 130 degrees of back-andforth movement along a flat plane. The ligaments that hold the bones of the knee joint together also provide stability and help limit rotational movement.

Although they are quite strong, ligaments are not elastic. As a result, when lateral force is applied to the knee, as happens when you twist it or get bumped or tackled from the side, the ligaments are susceptibl­e to damage. Depending on the degree of force and the position of the knee at the time, they can be stretched, sprained, partially or completely torn, or separated from the bone. Diagnosis is via a physical exam of the knee and often an X-ray to check for bone injury.

When the ACL is stretched, strained or undergoes a very minor tear, nonsurgica­l treatment can be an option. This typically includes rest, the use of a knee brace to provide stability and progressiv­e physical therapy. The challenge is that ligaments have a limited blood supply, and as a result, they are slow to heal. The recovery period for nonsurgica­l treatment of a sprained or strained ACL or a small tear is measured in months.

When the ACL has a significan­t tear, a surgical repair is often the best option. It depends on the degree of injury and the

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