Chattanooga Times Free Press



Monday illustrate­d the spectrum of outcomes we have seen from the Israel Defense Forces: astonishin­g precision in targeting some of Iran’s most toxic commanders at a secret meeting in Damascus and appalling sloppiness in an apparently accidental strike on a humanitari­an team in Gaza.

That’s not a good formula. And it helps explain the agony of this war for Israel and its adversarie­s alike. Nearly six months into the Gaza conflict, Israel has achieved tactical successes that are gradually degrading Hamas and deterring its Iranian sponsors. Yet the strategic prize of “victory” and regional stability seems as distant as ever.

Monday’s strike on the Quds Force commander in Lebanon and Syria was a brilliant if brutal Israeli show of arms.

The Damascus operation illustrate­d what Israel’s military and intelligen­ce services do most efficientl­y: strike their enemies in what amount to precise assassinat­ion plans. Their skill at these targeted killings was described by Ronen Bergman, an Israeli journalist for the New York Times, in his superb 2018 book, “Rise and Kill First.”

“Since World War II, Israel has assassinat­ed more people than any other country in the Western world,” Bergman wrote. By his reckoning, Israel had conducted at least 2,300 such operations as of 2018.

This unblinking use of lethal force was meant to intimidate Israel’s adversarie­s — and often did. But it was also part of the hubris that led to Hamas’s terrorist attack on Oct. 7. Israel had overvalued its own paramilita­ry prowess and undervalue­d that of Hamas.

Operations such as the Damascus attack could happen only with the direct approval of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And at a time when Netanyahu is under severe attack at home and abroad, this is a reminder that he is a tough adversary who will take big risks to maintain Israeli security, as he defines it.

Do these tactics truly provide greater security in the long run? That’s the issue Bergman examined in his book. He told his story partly through the eyes of Mossad chief Meir Dagan, who he said had engineered the killing of six of the 15 Iranian nuclear scientists on his target list. Dagan believed, according to Bergman, that assassinat­ion was “‘a lot more moral’ than waging all-out war.”

But before his death in 2016, Dagan came to doubt that the hard edge of Israeli military power could, by itself, carve out the security Israel desired. As Bergman explained, Dagan concluded that Israel had achieved “a long string of impressive tactical successes, but also disastrous strategic failures.” Dagan (along with many of Israel’s toughest military and intelligen­ce chiefs) decided that the country’s security required a political settlement with the Palestinia­ns through creation of a Palestinia­n state. Netanyahu has vehemently disagreed, then and now.

That brings us back to Monday’s other headline-making strike — what Israel says was the unintended assault on a three-vehicle convoy of the relief organizati­on World Central Kitchen. Netanyahu described it as a “tragic case of our forces unintentio­nally hitting innocent people.”

Let’s assume Netanyahu’s characteri­zation is accurate. Nations make terrible mistakes in war. Even so, the World Central Kitchen tragedy is part of a much larger pattern of Israel refusing to plan adequately for coordinati­on of humanitari­an assistance in Gaza — to make the safety of noncombata­nts a priority along with its effort to destroy Hamas.

When Biden administra­tion officials argue that Netanyahu doesn’t have a strategy for ending the Gaza war and stabilizin­g the region, they are thinking about this lack of foresight and planning. It isn’t simply that Palestinia­ns need a safe and stable Gaza but that it’s essential in the long run for Israel, too.

Israel has a righteous cause in combating Hamas and its paymasters in Iran. But Monday’s events should remind us that enduring security doesn’t come through force of arms alone.

 ?? ?? David Ignatius
David Ignatius

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