Chattanooga Times Free Press

Lawmakers push bill to revamp state ethics law


“Public officials must be held to a high standard, yet this bill would make it difficult, if not impossible, to criminally prosecute an array of serious ethics violations.”



MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a revamp of the state ethics law that supporters said would provide clearer rules but was opposed by the state attorney general who said it would make prosecutio­ns more difficult.

The Alabama House of Representa­tives voted 79-9 for the legislatio­n. No lawmaker spoke against the legislatio­n during debate. The bill now moves to the Alabama Senate.

Republican Rep. Matt Simpson, the sponsor of the legislatio­n, said the current ethics law is often confusing and convoluted for the estimated 300,000 public employees and officials who fall under it. He said the goal was to provide clearer definition­s.

“It’s only fair to people who are going to be prosecuted under this, that you let them know where the lines are. If they cross those lines, they should be prosecuted and they will be prosecuted,” said Simpson, a former prosecutor.

Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office said in a statement that he “strongly opposes this proposed rewrite of our ethics laws.”

“Public officials must be held to a high standard, yet this bill would make it difficult, if not impossible, to criminally prosecute an array of serious ethics violations,” the statement added.

The bill would raise the gift ban limit to public officials and employees to $100 per occasion and $500 per year. Current law prohibits public officials and employees from receiving a “thing of value” from a lobbyist or person who employs a lobbyist but allows exemptions for items of minimal value, now defined as less than $33.

“We wanted to make it a nice even round number that people could understand. Right now it’s $33,” Simpson said during debate.

The bill would also allow the Legislativ­e Council, a panel of 20 lawmakers, to impeach the Ethics Commission director upon recommenda­tion of the attorney general.

Simpson said he disagreed with Marshall’s assessment that the bill would weaken state law, saying he believes it “strengthen­s the law and makes prosecutio­ns stronger.”

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