Chattanooga Times Free Press

The Old Testament


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham.

Q: A leading pastor who was interviewe­d on Fox News declared that the Old Testament is not for today. Is this true? — B.D.

A: The Old Testament may not seem relevant to us today — but it is, because it’s part of God’s holy Word. After all, the Old Testament Scriptures were quoted by Jesus when He walked on this earth. He taught from the scrolls of the prophets. Why is this important? One reason is because these passages point to His coming as the promised Messiah.

Some parts of Old Testament writing may seem hard to understand, such as the detailed instructio­ns that governed the sacrificia­l system. These no longer strictly apply to us, however, because they have been fulfilled in Christ’s sacrifice of Himself on the cross. Yet they still have much to teach us about the holiness of God and the seriousnes­s of sin. One of the things God wants to teach us from the Old Testament is how not to live [in conduct and unbelief].

A good place to start reading in the Old Testament is “at the beginning.” “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, NKJV). Knowing what God says about His creation is important. Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17), and He blesses those who read God’s Word in faith.

In the middle of the Old Testament is the book of Psalms, the Bible’s hymnbook. It shows us what it means to walk with God in prayer and praise. The books of the Prophets document how God dealt with His people in times past, and how He wants to deal with us today. “The entirety of Your word is truth” (Psalm 119:160, NKJV).

 ?? ?? Billy Graham
Billy Graham

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