Chattanooga Times Free Press

God created us free to choose how we live

- From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham.

Q: I am searching for an answer to this question: If two Christians are at odds with one another concerning a moral issue and both believe they are right based on the Scripture, how can they be in unity as Jesus desires? Who is the one who should give in and go the way of the other for the sake of unity, even though they still believe they are right? Doesn’t it seem that the narrow-minded person should compromise with some grace and the other broader party consider the consequenc­es? — N.B.

A: From the beginning of time until the present moment, man’s ungodly determinat­ion to use his gift of free choice for his own selfish ends has brought him to the brink of doom. Moral living sometimes demands difficult choices. When there are disagreeme­nts between two parties, both may be wrong. But God’s Word is never wrong. The Bible has a great deal to say about right and wrong, good and evil.

Not a day goes by that we do not have a chance to choose between the devil’s clever promises and God’s sure Word. God created us free to choose how we would live, but leaves us free to pursue our own ends, though we will reap the consequenc­es of bad moral decisions.

We are called to be a holy people — separated from the moral evils of the world. God will never lead contrary to His Word. When we take all things to Him in prayer, asking for His wisdom, He will direct us in His righteousn­ess. “Who is the man who fears the Lord? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose” (Psalm 25:12, ESV). Test everything in the light of God’s Word, for it is the only place we can find a clear, unmistakab­le message.

 ?? ?? Billy Graham
Billy Graham

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