Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)


- By Andy Boyle and Caroline Hurley | For daily updates, visit

On May 5, Gov. J.B. Pritzker unveiled his five-phase plan to reopen the state, breaking the state into four regions and identifyin­g key metrics each region needs to meet before moving to the next phase. Here’s a look at how the state is progressin­g along Pritzker’s plan to gradually reopen, using data from the Illinois Department of Public Health.

All Illinois regions are in Phase 3

This means infections are stable or declining, all gatherings of 10 or fewer are allowed and travel is allowed, but must follow guidelines. “Nonessenti­al” employees can return to work, and salons can reopen. Bars and restaurant­s can serve customers outdoors at limited capacities with social distancing guidelines in place, in addition to delivery and carryout.

All regions appear to be on track for Phase 4 on June 26

In Phase 4, bars and restaurant­s can reopen for dine-in service with capacity limits, and gatherings of 50 or fewer are permitted. Schools and child care facilities can open with IDPH-approved safety guidance. Movie theaters can reopen with capacity limits. Health and fitness clubs open with capacity limits and safety guidance.

To reach Phase 5:

Testing and treatment are widespread, and all areas of the economy are reopened, including large gatherings and convention­s of any size.


Meets 6 of 6 criteria for moving into Phase 4.

✔ Positivity percentage: 3.3%

✔ Positivity percentage change: -2.6%

✔ Hospital admission change: -67.7%

✔ Medical surge availabili­ty: 47.7%

✔ ICU beds free: 54.9%

✔ Ventilator­s free: 75.0%


Meets 6 of 6 criteria for moving into Phase 4.

✔ Positivity percentage: 1.3%

✔ Positivity percentage change: -0.5%

✔ Hospital admission change: -64.2%

✔ Medical surge availabili­ty: 42.5%

✔ ICU beds free: 54.2%

✔ Ventilator­s free: 81.0%


Meets 6 of 6 criteria for moving into Phase 4.

✔ Positivity percentage: 3.5%

✔ Positivity percentage change: -1.0%

✔ Hospital admission change: -42.4%

✔ Medical surge availabili­ty: 44.6%

✔ ICU beds free: 52.3%

✔ Ventilator­s free: 76.3%

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