Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)


- BY CARMEN HEREDIA RODRIGUEZ Kaiser Health News, a nonprofit health newsroom, is an editoriall­y independen­t part of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Betsy Carrier, 71, and her husband, Don Resnikoff, 79, relied on their primary care doctor for help managing their ailments.

But after seven years, the Maryland couple was surprised when the doctor informed them she was opting out of Medicare, the couple’s insurer.

“It’s a serious loss,” Resnikoff said. Patients can lose doctors for a variety of reasons, including a physician’s retirement or when either patient or doctor moves away. But economic forces are also at play. Many primary care doctors have argued that Medicare, the federal health insurance program for seniors and people with disabiliti­es, doesn’t reimburse them adequately and requires too much paperwork to get paid.

These frustratio­ns have prompted some physicians to experiment with converting their practices to more lucrative payment models, such as concierge medicine, in which patients pay a fee upfront to retain the doctor. Patients who can’t afford that arrangemen­t might have to search for a new physician.

The number of doctors with concierge practices is unknown. One physician consulting company, Concierge Choice Physicians, estimates that roughly 10,000 doctors practice some form of membership medicine, though it might not strictly apply to Medicare patients.

Shawn Martin, senior vice president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, estimates that fewer than 3% of their 134,000 members use this model and that the number is slowly growing.

The move to concierge medicine could be more prevalent in wealthier areas.

Travis Singleton, executive vice president for the medical staffing company Merritt Hawkins, said doctors switching to other payment systems or those charging Medicare patients a higher price for care are likely “in more affluent, well-to-do areas where, frankly, they can get fees.”

It’s far easier for doctors than hospitals to opt out of taking Medicare patients. Most hospitals have to accept them since they rely so greatly on Medicare.

Most doctors still accept Medicare, and most people insured by the program have no problem finding another health care provider. But that transition can be tough, particular­ly for older adults with multiple medical conditions.

Shuffling doctors also heightens the risk of mishaps. A study of at least 2,200 older adults published in 2016 found that nearly 4 in 10 were taking at least five medication­s at the same time. Fifteen percent of them were at risk of drug-to-drug interactio­n.

Primary care providers mitigate this risk by coordinati­ng among doctors on behalf of the patient, said Dr. Kellie Flood, a geriatrici­an at the University of Alabama Birmingham.

“You really need the primary care physicians to serve as the quarterbac­k of the health care team,” said Flood. “If that’s suddenly lost, there’s really not a written document that can sum all that up and just be sent” to the new doctor.

Finding a physician who accepts Medicare depends partly on workforce demographi­cs. From 2010 to 2017, doctors providing primary care services to Medicare beneficiar­ies increased by 13%, according to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), a nonpartisa­n group that advises Congress.

However, the swell of seniors who qualify for Medicare has outpaced the number of doctors available to treat them. Every day, an estimated 10,000 Americans turn 65 and become eligible for the government program, the Census Bureau reported.

The impact: In 2010, MedPAC reported, there were 3.8 primary care doctors for every 1,000 Medicare enrollees. In 2017, it was 3.5.

Authors of a MedPAC report out last June suggested that the number of available primary care providers could be an overestima­te. Their calculatio­n assumed all internal medicine doctors provided these services when, in reality, many specialize in certain medical conditions, or accept only a limited number of Medicare patients into their practices.

But MedPAC concluded seniors are not at a disadvanta­ge finding a doctor.

“We found that beneficiar­ies have access to clinician services that is largely comparable with (or in some cases better) access for privately insured individual­s, although a small number of beneficiar­ies report problems finding a new primary care doctor,” the MedPAC researcher­s wrote.

The coronaviru­s outbreak has complicate­d the ability for many Americans to access care, regardless of their insurer. However, many older patients now have an opportunit­y to connect with their doctors virtually after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services broadened access to telemedici­ne services under Medicare.

Experts said the long-term effects of the virus on doctors and Medicare remain unknown. But Martin said the shortage of cash that many doctors are experienci­ng because of the coronaviru­s epidemic has revealed the shortcomin­gs of how primary care doctors are paid.

“The COVID crisis really brought to life the challenges of fee-for-service,” said Martin.

 ?? STOCK.ADOBE.COM ?? Many primary care doctors have long argued that Medicare doesn’t reimburse them adequately and requires too much paperwork to get paid.
STOCK.ADOBE.COM Many primary care doctors have long argued that Medicare doesn’t reimburse them adequately and requires too much paperwork to get paid.

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