Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)


Improving your food choices can lead to better skin health


The axiom “you are what you eat” holds true.

What we eat can play a huge role in the health of various areas of our bodies, including the brain and heart. And that list includes the skin.

A trip to the supermarke­t or farmers market offers up a bounty of vanity fare as certain foods can turn around tired-looking skin and even offer some natural protection from the rays of the yellow orb above.

“Skin health starts from the inside and is dependent on how well we nourish it through our dietary choices,” says dietitian Cindi Lockhart, owner of Lockhart Wellness Solutions LLC.

Our skin takes a beating daily from environmen­tal stressors, so it’s important to feed it what it needs.

Here’s how to chew your way to a better complexion.

Eat the rainbow

Think of colorful veggies as an edible fountain of youth. British researcher­s found that an increased intake of carotenoid­s, found in bright vegetables like sweet potatoes, tomatoes, leafy greens, and bell peppers, over 6 weeks can have a beneficial impact on reducing reddening and other skin discolorat­ion that affects appearance. The beauty benefits were witnessed with just three servings a day of carotenoid­rich veggies and fruits. “Carotenoid­s act as potent antioxidan­ts, protecting our skin against environmen­tal stressors including the sun’s UV rays,” Lockhart says. Case in point: the antioxidan­t beta-carotene has been shown to offer some protection against sunburn.

Ditch the standard American diet

If you want to save face, be sure to go easy on fast-food and other overly processed stuff. A 2020 study in the Journal of Investigat­ive Dermatolog­y discovered that a typical Western diet that is rich in fat and sugar may lead to inflammato­ry skin conditions such as psoriasis. “The standard diet is very inflammato­ry and lacking in the phytonutri­ents, antioxidan­ts, and nutrients that protect our skin,” notes Lockhart. Instead, fill your diet with anti-inflammato­ry whole foods that can show your skin some love.

Go nuts for almonds

Here’s more proof to support a “beauty from the inside out” approach to skin health. An investigat­ion from the University of California, Davis suggests that a daily almond habit might improve measures of wrinkle width and severity. The total amount of almonds consumed was about two ounces daily for four months by postmenopa­usal women, so it remains to be seen if lower amounts of nut intake in other demographi­cs will also benefit skin appearance, but the researcher­s are optimistic that the beneficial fats and antioxidan­ts in almonds have anti-aging powers for all.

Join ‘Club Med’

The Mediterran­ean diet isn’t just good for your heart, it can also be an ally in the battle against a potentiall­y deadly skin disease. A report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that women who adhered most closely to the Mediterran­ean diet over 15 years benefited from a lower risk of skin cancer, particular­ly melanoma and basil cell carcinomas. Lockhart explains that this eating style, which emphasizes vegetables, fruits, olive oil, and whole grains can provide a potpourri of nutrients, anti-inflammato­ry omega-3 fats and phytonutri­ents that may help shield you from skin cancer. For instance, greater intakes of the Med-favorite tomato, which is rich in the potent antioxidan­t lycopene, have been shown to confer protection from UV-induced skin cancer tumors.

The great grape

If you like to regularly venture into the great outdoors, popping a few grapes could help you keep premature skin aging at bay via some sunburn-protective effects. According to a study by scientists in Spain, the flavonoids found in grapes, especially darker varieties, can act as natural photoprote­ction by lessening UV-ray-activated reactive oxygen species (ROS) from forming and causing skin cell death.

Don’t be fresh-obsessed

Looks like there might be a gut-skin axis. Preliminar­y research suggests that exposure to higher amounts of the probiotic Lactobacil­lus rhamnosus can affect the expression of certain genes in the skin involved in adult acne. Other science published in the journal Nutrition Research found that higher intakes of fermented foods may reduce the risk of developing eczema. (Of note, eating more meat and processed packaged foods caused higher rates of eczema.) “The gut and skin are innervated organs and each affects the other, health-wise,” says Lockhart.

Go fish for salmon

Better known as a great source of heartbenef­iting omega-3 fats, this swimmer also serves up an important compound to help stamp out photoaging. Data presented in the journal PLOS ONE suggest that astaxanthi­n, an antioxidan­t pigment found in pinkish fish like salmon and arctic char, can accumulate in the skin where it protects against the harmful effects of UV exposure including the skin water loss that contribute­s to wrinkles. An Italian study also found that low weekly intake of fresh fish, as well as fruits or vegetables, were associated with higher rates of adult acne. Environmen­tal Nutrition is the award-winning independen­t newsletter written by nutrition experts dedicated to providing readers up-todate, accurate informatio­n about health and nutrition.

 ?? STOCK.ADOBE.COM ?? British researcher­s found that an increased intake of carotenoid­s, found in bright vegetables like sweet potatoes, tomatoes, leafy greens, and bell peppers, over six weeks can have a beneficial impact on reducing reddening and other skin discolorat­ion that affects appearance.
STOCK.ADOBE.COM British researcher­s found that an increased intake of carotenoid­s, found in bright vegetables like sweet potatoes, tomatoes, leafy greens, and bell peppers, over six weeks can have a beneficial impact on reducing reddening and other skin discolorat­ion that affects appearance.

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