Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)

Popular CoQ10 Pills Leave Millions Suffering

Could this newly-discovered brain fuel solve America’s worsening memory crisis?


Millions of Americans take the supplement known as CoQ10. It’s the coenzyme that supercharg­es the “energy factories” in your cells known as mitochondr­ia. But there’s a serious flaw that’s leaving millions unsatisfie­d.

As you age, your mitochondr­ia break down and fail to produce energy. In a revealing study, a team of researcher­s showed that 95 percent of the mitochondr­ia in a 90-year-old man were damaged, compared to almost no damage in the mitochondr­ia of a 5-year-old.

Taking CoQ10 alone is not enough to solve this problem. Because as powerful as CoQ10 is, there’s one critical thing it fails to do: it can’t create new mitochondr­ia to replace the ones you lost.

And that’s bad news for Americans all over the country. The loss of cellular energy is a problem for the memory concerns people face as they get older.

“We had no way of replacing lost mitochondr­ia until a recent discovery changed everything,” says Dr. Al Sears, founder and medical director of the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine in Palm Beach, Florida. “Researcher­s discovered the only nutrient known to modern science that has the power to trigger the growth of new mitochondr­ia.”

Why Taking CoQ10 is Not Enough

Dr. Sears explains, “This new discovery is so powerful, it can multiply your mitochondr­ia by 55 percent in just a few weeks. That’s the equivalent of restoring decades of lost brain power.”

This exciting nutrient — called PQQ (pyrroloqui­noline quinone) — is the driving force behind a revolution in aging. When paired with CoQ10, this dynamic duo has the power to reverse the agerelated memory losses you may have thought were beyond your control.

Dr. Sears pioneered a new formula — called Ultra Accel II — that combines both CoQ10 and PQQ to support maximum cellular energy and the normal growth of new mitochondr­ia. Ultra Accel II is the first of its kind to address both problems and is already creating huge demand.

Over 47 million doses have been shipped to men and women across the country and sales continue to climb for this much sought-after brain fuel. In fact, demand has been so overwhelmi­ng that inventorie­s repeatedly sell out. But a closer look at Ultra Accel II reveals there are good reasons why sales are booming.

Science Confirms the Many Benefits of PQQ

The medical journal Biochemica­l Pharmacolo­gy reports that PQQ is up to 5,000 times more efficient in sustaining energy production than common antioxidan­ts. With the ability to keep every cell in your body operating at full strength, Ultra Accel II delivers more than just added brain power and a faster memory.

People feel more energetic, more alert, and don’t need naps in the afternoon. The boost in cellular energy generates more power to your heart, lungs, muscles, and more.

“With the PQQ in Ultra Accel, I have energy I never thought possible at my age,” says Colleen R., one of Dr. Sears’s patients.

“I’m in my 70s but feel 40 again. I think clearly, move with real energy and sleep like a baby.”

The response has been overwhelmi­ngly positive, and Dr. Sears receives countless emails from his patients and readers. “My patients tell me they feel better than they have in years. This is ideal for people who are feeling old and run down, or for those who feel more forgetful. It surprises many that you can add healthy and productive years to your life simply by taking Ultra Accel II every day.”

You may have seen Dr. Sears on television or read one of his 12 best-selling books. Or you may have seen him speak at the 2016 WPBF 25 Health and Wellness Festival in South Florida, featuring Dr. Oz and special guest Suzanne Somers. Thousands of people attended Dr. Sears’s lecture on anti-aging breakthrou­ghs and waited in line for hours during his book signing at the event.

Will Ultra Accel II Multiply Your Energy?

Ultra Accel II is turning everything we thought we knew about youthful energy on its head. Especially for people over age 50. In less than 30 seconds every morning, you can harness the power of this breakthrou­gh discovery to restore peak energy and your “spark for life.”

So, if you’ve noticed less energy as you’ve gotten older, and you want an easy way to reclaim your youthful edge, this new opportunit­y will feel like blessed relief.

The secret is the “energy multiplyin­g” molecule that activates a dormant gene in your body that declines with age, which then instructs your cells to pump out fresh energy from the inside-out. This growth of new “energy factories” in your cells is called mitochondr­ial biogenesis.

Instead of falling victim to that afternoon slump, you enjoy sharp-as-a-tack focus, memory, and concentrat­ion from sunup to sundown. And you get more done in a day than most do in a week. Regardless of how exhausting the world is now.

Dr. Sears reports, “The most rewarding aspect of practicing medicine is watching my patients get the joy back in their lives. Ultra Accel II sends a wake-up call to every cell in their bodies… And they actually feel young again.”

And his patients agree. “I noticed a difference within a few days,” says Jerry from Ft. Pierce, Florida. “My endurance has almost doubled, and I feel it mentally, too. There’s a clarity and sense of well-being in my life that I’ve never experience­d before.”

How To Get Ultra Accel II

This is the official nationwide release of Ultra Accel II in the United States. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply to anyone who calls during the official launch.

An Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Ultra Accel II. And your order is backed up by a no-hassle, 90-day money back guarantee. No questions asked.

Starting at 7:00 AM today, the discount offer will be available for a limited time only. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE 1-800-372-5619 right now and use promo code NP424UA7 to secure your own supply.

Important: Due to Ultra Accel II recent media exposure, phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not immediatel­y get through, please be patient and call back.

 ?? ?? MEMORY-BUILDING SENSATION: Top doctors are now recommendi­ng new Ultra Accel II because it restores decades of lost brain power without a doctor’s visit.
MEMORY-BUILDING SENSATION: Top doctors are now recommendi­ng new Ultra Accel II because it restores decades of lost brain power without a doctor’s visit.

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