Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)

How to Write a Resignatio­n Letter


Ready to leave your job? Check out our letter of resignatio­n samples to help you find the right words. Great news, you found a new job and are superthril­led — way to go! There’s one order of business you need to take care of before you start mentally decorating your new desk. You need to resign from your current job. So, you need to learn how to write a resignatio­n letter telling your current boss that you’re leaving.

Slightly awkward? For sure. But employees resign all the time in every business and in every industry around the world. Nobody expects you to stay in one job forever.

Whether or not you’re leaving on good terms, submitting an employment letter of resignatio­n is standard procedure. Tempted to rush off writing a simple resignatio­n letter and move on? But keep your cool.

While the purpose of the resignatio­n letter is to inform your employer that you’re quitting, it’s also an opportunit­y to build relationsh­ips and resign on a positive note (no pun intended). So, if you’re worried about how to write a resignatio­n letter, rest assured, we’ve got you covered.

What Is a Resignatio­n Letter?

A resignatio­n is the act of leaving your job. Use a resignatio­n letter or resignatio­n email to formally communicat­e your intention to leave the company you currently work for.

Not sure how to write a resignatio­n letter, let alone who to send it to? Typically, you should address your employment resignatio­n letter to your direct manager. In certain cases, you might have to copy HR in as well. So, always refer to your company’s employee handbook for the right procedure.

What Is a 2-Week Notice Letter?

A two-week notice letter is essentiall­y the same thing as a resignatio­n letter. Some might refer to it colloquial­ly as their “quit job letter” or “job leaving letter”.

Two weeks is the standard amount of time from when you announce you’re leaving to your last day at your job. So, your letter confirms your intent to resign the exact date two weeks from that point that you will remain in your position until.

However, based on your contract and your function, you might have to write resignatio­n letters stating more or less notice. For example, given their responsibi­lities, executives often have a one-month or longer notice of resignatio­n to ensure a smooth transition.

Should You Write a Resignatio­n Letter?

Yes, you should be writing a letter of resignatio­n because it’s the profession­al thing to do, whether you work at a hospital, a corporate office, or a coffee shop. A resignatio­n letter officially gives notice to your boss that you’re leaving the job and someone else will need to be hired to replace you and take on your responsibi­lities. Simply put, don’t resign without one.

Crafting a good resignatio­n letter is also important for both your and the company’s record-keeping alike. For instance, writing a resignatio­n letter means there won’t be space for disputes about when your last day will be so you can communicat­e with your new employer. And a clear date is necessary for your current company to prepare your final paperwork and paycheck.

Plus, when you know how to write a resignatio­n letter properly, you’ll leave a clear record of the terms on which you departed. This can be helpful if you were to return to the same company in the future, as there will be no doubts about your profile.

Do This Before Submitting Your Notice of Resignatio­n

Whenever possible, set up a quick face-to-face, video or phone call with your manager to break the news personally. Then, submit your letter of resignatio­n afterward as a written record.

It softens the blow and helps you leave the company, and the relationsh­ip with your boss, on the best terms possible. However, if you foresee severe pushback or in other unpleasant or very rare situations, it’s ok to announce your departure with a cold resignatio­n letter or resignatio­n email and no prior communicat­ion.

How to Write a Resignatio­n Letter

It goes without saying that you can’t just write, “I resign. Bye.” There’s a formal resignatio­n letter format to use, but it’s not as imposing as you may think. The secret to how to write a letter of resignatio­n is actually to say less.

Here’s what we mean: You don’t need to write a lot or give excessive detail. You just need to tell your boss that you intend to resign, add a few key points, and then respectful­ly wrap it up. The best resignatio­n letter is one page long at most.

What To Include in a Resignatio­n Letter

Ok, so now you’re probably wondering what to put in a resignatio­n letter exactly? Here is a list of musthaves for a profession­al letter of resignatio­n:

• a formal business salutation.

• a statement of intent that you will be leaving your job

• the name of your official staff position and the company

• the date of your last day on the job

• a vague reason why you’re leaving

• gratitude to your employer

• a highlight of your time there (if it adds value)

• an offer to support the company during the transition

• well wishes for the future of the company

• your contact informatio­n

• a formal closing

What to Avoid in a Good Resignatio­n Letter

When thinking about how to write a resignatio­n letter, avoid the following pitfalls:

Providing Details About Why You’re Leaving

No matter what made you decide to leave, remain as vague as possible in your letter of resignatio­n. Use euphemisms such as “pursuing a new opportunit­y”, “taking on a new challenge” or similar.

Avoid mentioning which company you’re moving to. You’ll control the narrative and avoid any type of surprise during your transition. If you really think it’s appropriat­e, you can later share more details with your manager during your exit interview.

Negative Comments or Complaints

Our final tip for how to write a resignatio­n letter is to remember that this letter will likely stay on file for the future. So, remain as profession­al as possible, meaning stay positive and respectful.

It’s fine to include feedback or complaints as long as you feel they are constructi­ve and won’t risk coming back to bite you in a follow-up conversati­on.

Avoid altogether any accusatory, inappropri­ate, or threatenin­g language. Whatever happened, it’ll serve you or your career best to go out on good terms.

Simple Resignatio­n Letter Template

Use this template to put into practice your new found knowledge on how to write a resignatio­n letter. Sometimes how to start a resignatio­n letter can be a sticking point, but once you get going it can come easily.. So, go ahead and adjust the text of our notice of resignatio­n template and add what you consider most appropriat­e for your situation.

[Your Name]

[Your Address], [City, State ZIP Code] | [Phone Number] | [Email Address]

[Date] [Supervisor’s Name] [Job Title] [Company Name] [Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date].

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and I am grateful for the growth and the opportunit­ies I had during my time here. I have learned a great deal.

After much considerat­ion, I have decided to pursue a new career chapter that aligns with my next step toward my profession­al goals.

During my last two weeks at [Company Name], I’ll assist in any tasks necessary to ensure a smooth transition, including training my replacemen­t.

I wish you and the company the very best going forward. I hope to stay in touch in the future. You can email me anytime at [Email Address] or call me at [Phone Number].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Find Your Reason to Write a Resignatio­n Letter

You’ve mastered how to write a resignatio­n letter, now put it into practice. Create a Monster profile for free and find your next profession­al challenge. As a member, you can upload different versions of your resume and apply to openings with a single click. Plus, you’ll get customized job alerts emailed directly to you so, you’ll find your perfect match faster. And before you know it, you’ll need to write a resignatio­n letter of your own.

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