Chicago Sun-Times

Abusive ex-priest: I have ‘sex drive of 5-year-old boy’

Says prostate removalmea­ns he’s no threat


age boys is urging a Wisconsin judge to send him to a special treatment center for priests, arguing that the removal of his prostate has left him with the “sexual drive ... the equivalent of a 5-year-old boy.”

In the Jan. 30 handwritte­n letter, Norbert J. Maday said the treatment center near St. Louis would allow him to be with other convicted priests “to get counseling and understand­ing.”

The letter comes as prosecutor­s in Winnegabo County seek to have Maday, who already has completed his 20-year prison term, held indefinite­ly as a sexual predator, according to FOX 11 News.

A trial was set to begin Feb. 14, but the trial has been put on hold while attorneys negotiate a possible plea deal, the station reported Thursday.

In 1994, Maday, a former associate pastor at Our Lady of the Ridge Parish in Chicago Ridge, was sentenced to prison for molesting the two teenage boys in separate 1986 parish outings to Oshkosh, Wis.

In his January letter, Maday said he wants to be tried by a judge, not a jury, and he says he wants to be sent to Vianney Renewal Center in Dittmer, Mo., writing that one day, “I would look forward [ to] being with a community of priests who, like myself, made mistakes.”

William Catalona, a professor of urology at Northweste­rn University, said it’s unlikely that a prostatect­omy — the removal of the prostate — by itself would lower a man’s sex drive.

Sometimes prostate cancer spreads, leading to the removal of the testicles and the eliminatio­n of any interest in sex, Catalona said.

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