Chicago Sun-Times

When Stifler’s mom seduced Jim’s dad


LOS ANGELES — There’s a hint of mature romance — or at least hot sex involving older folks — in the latest sequel to “American Pie.”

“American Reunion” brings back the comedy ensemble from the 1999 gross-out hit and includes a comical hookup between Eugene Levy, who plays Jason Biggs’ squarer-than-square dad, and Jennifer Coolidge, who plays Seann William Scott’s boy-seducing mom.

It all starts as Biggs’ Jim, home for a high school reunion, tries to get his widower dad out of the house for a change. Levy ends up at a party at the home of Scott’s Stifler, whose mom wound up in the sack with her son’s classmate Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) in the original movie.

“Stifler’s mom needs to grow and progress and actually hook up with something more promising, and I love that I would hook up with Jim’s dad,” Coolidge said in an interview alongside Levy.

“I think Finch is a nice kid, but I don’t think [Stifler’s mom] ever dated a nice man,” Coolidge continued. “There’s something really great about seducing a young guy that hasn’t really had much experience, but to seduce an older guy that hasn’t had a lot of experience is a great idea. It’s a really fun thing for a woman.”

For Jim’s dad, who spent much of the first three movies awkwardly trying to help his son through embarrassi­ng sexual issues, his evening with Stifler’s mom is like nothing he’s ever experience­d before in his straitlace­d life.

Levy and Coolidge’s scene together is a reunion for the two, who have collaborat­ed on the mock documentar­y comedies “Best in Show,” “A Mighty Wind” and “For Your Considerat­ion.” They co-starred in the ensemble films, which Levy also cowrote.

If the “American Pie” franchise continues with more movies, the two could even end up together, Levy and Coolidge speculated.

“I would think he’s not the kind of guy who would probably stay single,” Levy said. “If he’s not with Stifler’s mom, then he’s out trying to reform some hooker some place, I don’t know. He’s had an experience with Stifler’s mom that I don’t think he’s ever quite had in his life, and how that affects him down the line, I don’t know, outside of just making him generally happier.”

 ??  ?? Jennifer Coolidge and Eugene Levy suspect their characters might reconnect in a future “American Pie” film. | DAN STEINBERG~AP
Jennifer Coolidge and Eugene Levy suspect their characters might reconnect in a future “American Pie” film. | DAN STEINBERG~AP

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