Chicago Sun-Times

City downplays huge cam request

- BY ABDON M. PALLASCH Political Reporter if

That’s a lotta dots. The map the city of Chicago is sending out with its “request for proposals” shows just how extensive coverage by cameras designed to catch speeders around parks and schools could be — the city ever exercises all its options.

Not to worry, city officials say: Aldermen mandated that cameras go up in only 50 to 300 locations for now.

“By ordinance, we are limited to placing these cameras in only 20 percent of the 1,500 possible Children’s Safety Zones — that’s only 300 camera [sites] citywide,” said Pete Scales, spokesman for the city’s Department of Transporta­tion. “We expect to only have about 50 of those up and running next year.”

Plenty of connected companies are getting ready to bid on the contract to install the cameras. Mayoral allies Greg Goldner and Mike Kasper have ties to one of the firms.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has agreed to several limitation­s to meet the concerns of al- Chappell Elementary School has no red-light cameras near it at this time, but a new ordinance might change that. dermen who feared this was all about making money; that cameras would be too concentrat­ed in certain neighborho­ods, or would be too pervasive. They are meant to cover territorie­s within oneeighth of a mile around parks and schools.

As the map shows, that’s much of Chicago. The city will study traffic patters to see which areas will be targeted first, Emanuel said.

“There is nothing more important to the future of Chicago than the safety of our children,” Emanuel said upon passage of the ordinance. “The Children’s Safety Zone program will protect our children as they go to and from school, and as they play in our parks and recreation­al areas.”

In response to resdients’ and aldermen’s concerns, hours of enforcemen­t are limited to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. around schools and 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. around parks, when children are more likely to be present.

Money raised from the $35 or $100 fines from camerabase­d tickets will be spent on programs that “enhance the safety of children, including after school, anti-violence and jobs programs; crossing guards and police officers around schools; and infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts, such as signs, crosswalk markings and other traffic safety improvemen­ts,” city officials said when it passed.

Earlier this month, city transporta­tion officials held a meeting at which they answered questions for the would-be bidders. As chronicled by The Expired Meter website:

CDOT’s Scott Kubly explained that once the bids were submitted, a few of the leading vendors would be asked to pilot their technology at up to two locations to see how their equipment performs over a 30-day trial period before a final vendor was selected.

So how will the vendor, using only video, distinguis­h between youthful adults who look like children and mature-looking children who appear to be adults?

“Because judgment is involved, this is a gray area,” the website quoted CDOT’s David Zavattero. “It is up to the vendor to identify whether someone may be school age. Ultimately, it will be up to a hearing officer” to make that determinat­ion if the violation is contested.

 ??  ?? Map of proposed red-light camera locations in Chicago for the Automated Speed Enforcemen­t Program near schools and parks.
Map of proposed red-light camera locations in Chicago for the Automated Speed Enforcemen­t Program near schools and parks.
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