Chicago Sun-Times

Education quashes sex misconcept­ions

- BY DR. LAURA BERMAN drberman@bermancent­

U.S. Rep. Todd Akin recently made headlines when he said rape victims cannot get pregnant because the body has ways of shutting that down.

His exact quote: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

The Missouri Republican’s comments horrified people across the country — myself included. As I scratch my head wondering what the difference is between a “legitimate” and “illegitima­te” rape, I also would like to point that around 32,000 pregnancie­s occur due to rape each year, and to suggest otherwise is both ignorant and offensive.

A pregnancy resulting from rape can be devastatin­g, and the decision to continue or conclude the pregnancy must be the survivor’s choice and her decision alone.

Sadly, women’s reproducti­ve rights are on the table for discussion once again.

The ruling in Roe vs. Wade might have occurred decades ago, but women are still fighting for autonomy over their own body.

It’s bad enough for the average woman to have her reproducti­ve rights threatened, but for it to occur in the case of rape survivor is downright criminal. It can exacerbate her feelings of violation and helplessne­ss and only further impede her healing process.

Todd Akin’s comment might seem extreme, but the reality is that they reflect a frightenin­g trend in our country.

Just a few months ago, legislator­s in Virginia tried to pass a law that would have required every woman seeking an abortion to undergo a transvagin­al ultrasound before it was permitted. Only because of public outcry did they back down. This incredibly invasive and unnecessar­y procedure would have had only one purpose:

To make women feel ashamed of their choice to terminate their pregnancy. Again, it’s wrong to do so to any woman, but to force a rape victim to do so is inhuman, as it will make her relive her rape in both an emotional and physical way.

No matter what your opinion is about the issue, we all can agree that we want there to be fewer abortions and fewer unintended pregnancie­s.

Yet it’s crucial to understand that violations against women and rape victims are not the way to accomplish that goal. Why not take the focus off sexual assault survivors and instead put the focus where it needs to be — in our schools.

Shaming rape victims doesn’t lower the abortion rate, but studies have clearly demonstrat­ed that comprehens­ive sex education can and does help prevent unintended pregnancy.

The United States still has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the developed world, but thanks to comprehens­ive sex education, that number has been on the decline in recent years.

Thankfully, some politician­s have a plan to ensure that the number continues to decline. President Obama has put the focus (and the funding) back on sex ed programs that have proven successful (comprehens­ive sex education programs) and both he and the First Lady have discussed the importance of starting ageappropr­iate sex education at a early age.

He also has discussed the role of sex education in helping young children to learn about molestatio­n and to speak up when someone touches them inappropri­ately.

It’s important to note that comprehens­ive sex education does not give teens “permission” to have sex. Instead, it gives them the tools and resources that they need to protect themselves when and if they finally do have sex.

Sex education empowers teens to say “no,” to negotiate for condoms use, to take things slow, to ask questions and to protect their bodies.

Along with comprehens­ive sex education, I also think that, at the bare minimum, knowledge of basic reproducti­ve anatomy should be a prerequisi­te for lawmakers in this country. After all, it seems as if Rep. Akin himself could use a refresher course in Sex Ed 101!

Dr. Berman is the star of “In The Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman” on OWN and director of drlauraber­

Q.We are expecting our firstborn this spring and are worried about our “first baby,” mini-dachshund Suzie Q. She is a rescue from a puppy mill. Suzie has been through a lot and has come a very long way in her training and demeanor. She has gone from shaking and terrified, to playful and obedient.

We can’t seem to break is her fear of strangers. We are worried about having a baby around and what Suzie might do out of jealousy. My husband wants to train Suzie with other peoples’ babies,

I read the column where “Steve” refers to his Cairn ments and kickboxing moves.

The workout regimen is available on DVD in two one-hour programs: Total Body Conditioni­ng and Kickbox Challenge. The self-produced DVDs were recorded at the Joy of the Game basketball courts in Deerfield.

“I wanted to combine everything in one solid, sweaty and effective hour,” she said.

Pieper, who was living in California at the time, returned to work as a conditioni­ng and kickboxing instructor about four months after her children were born. “This was the longest time I had been so inert,” said Pieper, who teaches Total Body Conditioni­ng classes at the Highland Park Recreation Center and a Kickboxing class at Equinox. “We don’t strap on gloves or use heavy bags, or spar with an actual opponent,” she said, of the shadow boxing format.

“It’s a good way for people to get in their own little zone and get out their aggression, while getting their workout at the same time.”

Pieper initially decided to put her class routines on DVD because her students wanted the extra motivation to keep up the routine when traveling.

The DVDs are $20 each and available at as well as through Amazon and other websites.

 ??  ?? Fitness and kickbox instructor Dana Pieper knows how to help people get back in shape after a long layoff. | JOE CYGANOWSKI~FOR SUN-TIMES MEDIA
Fitness and kickbox instructor Dana Pieper knows how to help people get back in shape after a long layoff. | JOE CYGANOWSKI~FOR SUN-TIMES MEDIA
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 ??  ?? Todd Akin
Todd Akin

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