Chicago Sun-Times

Snapping Suzie’s gotta stop


which I am not comfortabl­e with.

A. Whoa, mama. Do not rehearse with other peoples’ babies. Suzie Q. has bitten before and she could snap again.

You can’t risk injuring anyone else. This is troubling no matter how much Suzie’s behavior has improved. You should cordon off the dachshund whenever company comes. Do not allow her to nip and annoy.

This is a situation where a certified canine behavioris­t who can visit your home, spend time, and get the full dose of Suzie Q. would provide the best insight.

Search for a certified trainer by entering your Zip code at the website of the Associatio­n Pet Dog Trainers,

Q. terrier making “inappropri­ate actions toward other dogs.” I wonder if this refers to humping.

I have a Cavalier spaniel that followed exactly the same pattern.

His humping became a real problem after two years. Eventually, we did neuter him. The humping stopped immediatel­y. Now he is much easier to deal with around other dogs.

A. Oh my goodness, please allow Dog Lady to catch her breath because you make excellent, eminent sense. Neutering males and spaying females are puppy procedures that are primary, necessary, and mandatory.

Having your dog fixed leads to well-behaved dogs. Also, the sterilizat­ion of your dog ensures the population of unwanted animals does not get burgeoned.

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