Chicago Sun-Times



My friend the English professor is working on a paper. He did some research on the internet but didn’t find much help.

“The ‘Law of the Library’ also applies online,” the prof grumbled. “‘There are no answers, only cross-references.’”

Bridge is not that way. When declarer faces a play problem, there are often clues. At today’s two spades South took dummy’s K-J of trumps and led a diamond to his jack. West won and shifted to clubs. South ruffed the second club, drew trumps and took the A-Q of diamonds, but lost the rest. Down one.

South could logically find the winning play. He can place East with the king of clubs: If West had the A-K, he would have led a high club. But East couldn’t respond to the opening bid, so West has the king of diamonds. West also has about 16 points but didn’t open 1NT, hence his pattern won’t be balanced.

South can play West for 2-4-25 pattern. He comes to the ace of diamonds at Trick Three, draws trumps and leads a low diamond. DAILY QUESTION

You hold: S A Q 7 5 3 H K 8 4 D A Q J 4 C 8. You open one spade, and your partner bids two hearts. What do you say?

Answer: Since partner’s response suggests a five-card or longer suit, you could safely raise to four hearts. But slam is possible if he has a well fitting hand with good hearts plus “working” honors such as the king of spades and ace of clubs. Bid three diamonds, intending to support the hearts next as a mild slam suggestion.

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