Chicago Sun-Times

How to dump incompeten­t county judges


It’s too hard to get rid of incompeten­t judges in Cook County, so they stay put, administer­ing their own brand of injustice day after day, year after year.

Two constituti­onal amendments are in the works in Springfiel­d to fix that. Neither is perfect, but legislator­s should fine-tune them until they have the best possible answer for our broken system.

Under current rules, judges run for retention every six years. In Cook County, that means voters are presented with what some people call the “bedsheet ballot” — page after page of names they never heard of. Not surprising­ly, even judges deemed incompeten­t by the bar associatio­ns get the 60 percent of votes they need to keep their jobs.

In November, the bar associatio­ns found that several judicial candidates didn’t belong on the bench, but all of them won retention anyway. Most notorious was Cynthia Brim, who beat the rap last week on battery charges by pleading insanity. Bar associatio­ns had found Brim, a judge since 1994, not qualified in every retention election since then, to no avail.

On Feb. 1, state Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) introduced a constituti­onal amendment that would create special commission­s in each judicial circuit. The commission­s would determine which judges were doing their jobs properly, and those judges wouldn’t have to run for retention. The handful of judges found unqualifie­d still would take their cases to the voters, who with far fewer names to contend with might make wiser decisions.

A separate amendment proposed by state Sen. Bill Cunningham (D-Chicago) would raise the percentage of yes votes needed for retention from 60 percent to two-thirds. Also, to be elected or retained, judges would need the support of at least five members of the seven-member Attorney Registrati­on and Disciplina­ry Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois. This amendment is more likely to imperil good judges.

Kelly says she wants to get a conversati­on going on fixing this problem. The rest of the Legislatur­e should join in and get the job done.

 ??  ?? Judge Cynthia Brim has repeatedly been deemed not qualified. | JOHN H. WHITE~SUN-TIMES
Judge Cynthia Brim has repeatedly been deemed not qualified. | JOHN H. WHITE~SUN-TIMES

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