Chicago Sun-Times




Not until 10:50 a.m. today do we have the “all clear” to do business and make important decisions.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

For some reason, you might feel apprehensi­ve about your health. Or you might be nervous about your job. Fear not, this is a confused illusion. Woooooo.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

The best way to use today’s energy is in creative activities — paint, draw, write, perform music, weave, dance, sculpt, sew, whatever. You find it easy to express feelings.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

Discussion­s with parents and authority figures are subject to misunderst­andings. Therefore, be clear in all your communicat­ions. Leave no room for doubt.

CANCER ( June 21-July 22):

You might spend a lot of time fantasizin­g today. You might also find that communicat­ions with others are like two ships passing in the night. Knowing this is a possibilit­y, strive to be extra clear in everything you say.

LEO ( July 23-Aug. 22):

It’s easy to kid yourself about financial issues today, so don’t do it. If you have second thoughts about parting with your hardearned cash — hold onto it.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Conversati­ons with friends and partners are subject to misinterpr­etation and disappoint­ment. But if you know that this is a possibilit­y, do what you can to avoid it. While you might be disappoint­ed in someone else, they are probably disappoint­ed in you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

You might be kidding yourself about something because self-deception is all too easy today. It could lead to feelings of self-pity and loneliness. Fear not — it’s all illusion. This, too, shall pass.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

It’s a fact that unexpresse­d expectatio­ns almost always lead to disappoint­ment and this could be the case today when dealing with friends.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Do not assume that parents, bosses or people in authority know what you want or understand what you’re doing because this is probably not the case.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

It’s easy to miss signals with others today or assume they mean something when they don’t. This might happen, especially with siblings and relatives.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

This is definitely a poor day for important financial matters because your expectatio­ns might not be realistic; furthermor­e, the informatio­n that you have could be incorrect. Put the brakes on.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Friendship­s and partnershi­ps are definitely confusing today. Just accept this and live with it. Comfort yourself by knowing that you are not alone — millions feel this way today. Millions!


Scientist/environmen­talist David Suzuki (1936) shares your birthday today. You’re spontaneou­s, even impulsive. You’re direct and definitely a straight shooter. You’re brave and determined but you appear quiet and sometimes even shy. Although you are modest, you won’t back down from a fight. You are loyal, affectiona­te and genuinely caring about what matters to you. A lively, social year ahead awaits you that will enhance all your relationsh­ips.

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