Chicago Sun-Times

the playbook

larry deutsch, executive vice president of brand marketing for digital creative shop Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide, wants to see into a job candidate’s soul


Beyond ability

“Capability is kind of a box that you can check,” says Deutsch. While many applicants have the credential­s, Deutsch looks for a fire in the belly. “You can always train for skills,” he says. “You can’t fake passion.”

Tell a story

“I think interview questions, when asked in too traditiona­l a fashion get you a traditiona­l answer,” Deutsch says. Blue Chip is all about creativity and Deutsch is looking for people who can express theirs. He uses open-ended questions to invite candidates to spin out their own narratives, which “allows them to be their best self.”

Speak your mind

Deutsch asks interviewe­es to “describe their ideal role” to make sure their expectatio­ns line up with his. “Culturally, we will shape roles around not only our needs but the individual’s talent.”

Be bold

“There are no shrinking violets at Blue Chip,” Deutsch says. While he understand­s interview jitters, candidates don’t get hired if they can’t project confidence and composure.

Poised to perform

In interviews Deutsch pictures candidates going faceto-face with top clients. He’s looking for people who are “unflappabl­e.” “Poise, like passion, can’t be faked,” he says. Confidence and the ability to “articulate your point of view” show Deutsch a candidate could handle the higher-ups.

The vision thing

Blue Chip had a 61 percent rise in full-time employees in 2012 and received 4,000 applicatio­ns. To keep the growth rolling, Deutsch wants new hires with ambition and drive. “I love questions about where I see the agency going,” he says. “Because to me that’s a person who’s thinking three plays ahead and has vision of their own.”

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