Chicago Sun-Times


The best app for your job search: jobaware


The Internet has long since made Help Wanted searchable, interactiv­e, even multimedia-enabled. But mobile developers haven’t done much to make life easier on job seekers. Most of the category’s apps are tethered to popular websites such as Monster and CareerBuil­der and get low marks for ingenuity. We think free app JobAware sticks out — it’s fundamenta­lly sound and plenty helpful. Android users are out of luck — the app only exists for iPhone.


Stay organized with the digital Rolodex, which allows you to tag a posting as a Dream Job, Second Choice, or Third Choice.


While the app does index full-time, part-time, contract and internship opportunit­ies, these labels aren’t specified in the initial search results.


In the Learn section, you’ll find curated guides to help you research potential employers, draft cover letters, prepare for interviews and negotiate salary.


JobAware depends on job search sites, especially, and company websites. If you want to view a listing in full, you’re sent to the original page.


JobAware is a whiz with LinkedIn. It quickly discovers and imports listings, organizing them alphabetic­ally and letting you know if any of your connection­s work at the company.


A checklist prompts sharing when job seekers land an interview or get an offer. That puts users one errant click away from broadcasti­ng the news to their notyet-former co-workers.


A banner in the corner of each listing tells you which positions are new and which you’ve already viewed.


There’s no indication that the developers are working on an Android version.

POWERED BY Appoliciou­s is a mobile app discovery service dedicated to helping consumers and businesses find iOS and Android applicatio­ns.

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