Chicago Sun-Times

Uneasy but necessary mix: girls and the pill


No decision that features the words birth control, young girls and pregnancy is ever an easy one. But the Food and Drug Administra­tion this week came pretty close to getting it right with new rules for the sale of the morning-after pill. The emergency contracept­ion pill will be made available over-thecounter and to anyone 15 and older with identifica­tion.

Until now, the Plan B One-Step pill — which can prevent pregnancy after intercours­e and is not an “abortion pill,” despite claims otherwise by anti-abortionis­ts — was available without a prescripti­on only for ages 17 and up. It was kept behind the pharmacy counter, limiting access during off hours.

The FDA’s move is an important step forward in the effort to prevent unwanted pregnancie­s, which account for about half of all pregnancie­s in this country.

It also gets close to what the FDA has long intended: The agency in 2011, finding that the pill was safe and effective, said it should be available without age restrictio­n. The agency was overruled by the Obama administra­tion, which set the age 17 limit.

The administra­tion was sued and a judge issued a damning opinion last month, saying the pill should be available to all and accusing the administra­tion of putting politics before science. On Wednesday, the Obama administra­tion appealed the judge’s order, making clear that it’s willing to ease access to the pill only a certain amount.

And that’s where things gets murkier. Do we want 10- to 14-year-old girls heading to CVS to buy the morning-after pill without a parent? Should we worry that wide access to an after-the-fact contracept­ive will discourage protected sex? A recent Princeton review of studies on that topic helps quiet those fears.

On balance, broader access seems the right approach. Sexual activity is relatively rare for 10- to 14-year-olds. But for 10- to 12-year-olds it is more likely to be coerced, and for those under 14 more likely to happen without a contracept­ive, according to an April study in the journal Pediatrics. These are probably the girls who need the morning-after pill the most.

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