Chicago Sun-Times

3 women who knew when to run Cheryl Lavin introduces you to Geena, Katie and Ivy, three women who were willing to walk when the situation demanded it.


Today we meet Geena, Katie and Ivy, three women who were willing to walk when the situation demanded it.

Imagine Geena’s surprise when she found out that her date was not only a bigot, he also had a lousy vocabulary.

“We were having dinner when he suddenly made an anti-Semitic remark. It was obvious he didn’t know I’m Jewish. Without a word I put my fork down, got up from the table and walked over to the checkroom.

“The attendant refused to give me my coat because I didn’t have the ticket. My date came over and tried talking me into coming back to the table, insisting on knowing why I had left. I said, ‘Because you’re a bigot.’ By the expression on his face, it was obvious he didn’t know the meaning of the word or what he had said that was so objectiona­ble.

“He begged me to stay, but I refused. He finally relinquish­ed the ticket, which he’d been virtually holding for ransom, and I left and took a cab home.

“A few days later he called me, begging me to forgive him and asking me if I’d see him again. I said, ‘Yes, right after Armageddon.’ Now the dunce had another word to ponder over.”

Women usually think it’s men who can’t commit. Kathie would like to say that sometimes it’s the woman who isn’t ready to pull the trigger.

“I dated Greg for six years. I have two sons that I wanted to get through school. Greg was a pretty compatible partner, but I didn’t feel he was good stepfather material. He finally gave me the ultimatum to marry him or else.

“When I refused he broke up with me. I later found out he had already been checking out eHarmony and within a week after our breakup had found someone else and was talking marriage with her. So what was he really looking for? Me? Or just someone to marry? I’m so glad I didn’t give in to him.”

There are few things in life that are worse than being involved in a lawsuit. So, when Ivy saw a way to avoid one, she jumped at the chance.

“A man came to my door one day. He said he was a process server. He handed me a summons. It concerned a hospital bill for Steve, my then 3-year-old son, who’d recently had surgery for a hernia. Jack, my ex-husband and Steve’s father, was liable for the bill, but he refused to pay. So the law came after me as a secondary defendant. I was frightened, even though I wasn’t working.

“The man said he’d shelve the summons — make it disappear — if I’d go out with him. I believed he could do what he said, and I saw no harm in a date. So I agreed.

“But on the night of the date I must have been less afraid of the law, because when the guy drove up to the parking lot of a motel rather than the restaurant I’d expected, I refused to get out of the car and told the jerk to drive me home. He shrugged and did so.”

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