Chicago Sun-Times



Cy the Cynic says that a good listener is usually thinking about something else. (I have to admit he's right, at least when he's the talker and I'm the listener.)

Cy was declarer at today's four spades, and West cashed two hearts and led a trump. Cy drew trumps and next let the jack of clubs ride. East won and returned a club, and the Cynic took dummy's A-Q, pitching a diamond. He then led a diamond to his jack, but West produced the king for down one, and Cy grumbled about his luck.

I listened, or pretended to, with sympathy, but Cy went down because he didn't listen -- to the bidding. West had shown the A-K of hearts but hadn't opened, so East had at least one king. After Cy draws trumps, he should lead a low club from dummy. East must take his king or lose it, and Cy later discards two diamonds on dummy's A-Q of clubs.

If West had the king of clubs, Cy would get only one diamond discard on the A-Q, but then he could be sure the diamond finesse would win. DAILY QUESTION You hold: S 64H A K74 3DK96 C 10 7 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids two clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: Since you have 10 good points, you can invite game, but a bid of three hearts or three clubs would be misdescrip­tive. Bid three diamonds (if in your system it is invitation­al; otherwise, underbid with two diamonds). Partner has five or more diamonds. He wouldn't bid this way with A 5 3, 8 2, A Q 7 5, K J 4 2.

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