Chicago Sun-Times



A common theme in dummy play is to preserve your options: With several chances for your contract, try all. The defenders' anti-theme: Don't let declarer try all his options, especially the one that works.

In a team match, both Wests led the king of diamonds against South's slam. At one table East signaled with the nine. South ruffed the next diamond, drew trumps and took the A-K of spades. He planned to set up dummy's fifth spade for a club discard, but when West showed out, South knew he needed the club finesse. He led a club to his queen and claimed.

At the other table, East knew South would not have bid 4NT (Blackwood) with two low cards in an unbid suit. East knew dummy's spades would not set up, and he knew if South had to try a club finesse, it would win.

So East overtook with his ace of diamonds at Trick One and led the nine of clubs. South naturally rose with the ace, relying on the spades to break no worse than 4-2. When they broke 5-1, down he went. DAILY QUESTION You hold: S Q 10 8 7 4 H 5 DA983CK 9 5. With your side vulnerable, the dealer, at your left, opens three diamonds. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner's double is for takeout, and since he asks you to commit to a three-level contract, he has sound values as well as help for the unbid suits. Bid four spades. To pass for penalty might net a profit, but you'll do better to make a vulnerable game.

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