Chicago Sun-Times



A man shows up at a cardiologi­st’s office and says, “Doc, I need help. I think I’m a moth.”

“You’re in the wrong place,” the cardiologi­st says. “I treat heart- related conditions. You need a psychiatri­st. Why did you come to me?” “Well, your light was on.” As for today’s declarer, the lights were on but nobody was home. When West led the king of hearts against six spades, South took the ace and had to get rid of dummy’s last heart before he started the trumps. So South took the queen, king and ace of diamonds for a heart discard.

Both defenders followed, so South next led a trump. When West took the ace, he led his last diamond, and East scored his nine of trumps, overruffin­g dummy.

It appears that the light bulb over South’s head had burned out. South should make the slam. After he discards on the high diamonds, he must take dummy’s A-K of clubs to pitch his jack of diamonds. Then South leads a trump, and the defenders get only the ace of trumps. DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ 8 7 6 4 2 ♥ 7 2 ♦ Q 6 ♣ A K J 4.Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one spade and he raises to two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: This case is close. If partner has an ordinary raise such as A Q 9 5,8 6 5, A K 5 3, 3 2, you may take 11 tricks, hence to bid four spades would be reasonable, especially if you’re vulnerable. If you’re concerned about your weak trumps, and if partner often raises with three-card support, bid three spades. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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