Chicago Sun-Times



“All players are poor players, including some good players.” — attributed to bridge great Bob Hamman

Experience­d players know that bridge is not easy. Top experts make plenty of mistakes; winners make the fewest.

In today’s deal, West led a spade against 3NT: four, queen, ace. South then tried to guess the queen of hearts: He led low to dummy’s ten. East won and returned the ten of spades to South’s king.

Declarer next led to the ace of hearts and returned the jack of diamonds. East did well not to cover, and West took the queen, cashed two spades and got out with a heart. South was stuck in his hand and had to lose a diamond to the king and a heart for down two.

South erred, even as you or I might err. At Trick Two he should let the jack of hearts ride. The finesse loses, but South can reach dummy with the ten of hearts to let the eight of diamonds ride. He later gets back with the ace of hearts to lead the jack of diamonds, winning three diamonds, two hearts, two spades and two clubs. DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠A K 8 2 ♥ K J 5 ♦ A 10 9 4 ♣ A K. The dealer, at your right, opens one club. You double, and your partner responds one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: If the opening bidder has his bid, your partner has little or nothing. Still, he might hold one useful queen or a five- card spade suit. Raise to three spades, saying that you can undertake a nine- trick contract even if partner is broke. If he has a sign of a trick, he should go on to game. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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