Chicago Sun-Times


President leveraging buying ability to set economic, social policy

- Gregory Korte

WASHINGTON As he tries to increase the minimum wage, ensure paycheck fairness and provide paid time off for American workers, President Obama is turning to an arcane but powerful tool: the power of the purchaser.

If there’s one industry that’s been disproport­ionately impacted by President Obama’s executive orders, it’s federal government contractor­s. Since becoming president, Obama has signed at least 15 executive orders and presidenti­al memoranda aimed at contractor­s, dictating their hiring and firing practices, compensati­on policies and working conditions. The orders also require contractor­s to meet energy efficiency goals, prohibit human traffickin­g and other exploitati­ve hiring practices, and ban texting while driving.

Buyers have always used their ability to buy in bulk to leverage a better deal, and the federal government has more purchasing power than any other buyer in the world, awarding more than $ 445 billion in contracts in fiscal year 2014.

With his executive orders, Obama is using the government’s buying power not just to get a better deal for the taxpayer, but also to set economic and social policy on minimum wage, paid leave and paycheck fairness — issues the Republican­controlled Congress has not acted on. The White House is hoping that the orders send a message to the economy at large, and have an effect far beyond the public sector.

“When the president issues an executive order, it reinforces that we care,” said Anne Rung, administra­tor of the White House’s Office of Federal Procuremen­t Policy. “That kind of statement can not only drive greater economies and efficiency in the federal government, it can have a trickle- down or multiplier effect on the economy at large.”

But critics of Obama’s aggressive use of the executive order say the actions will kill off small businesses and may be unconstitu­tional.

“It’s completely in line with his sort of pen- and- phone philosophy. Obama is trying to impose his will through his bureaucrac­y,” said Rep. Steve Chabot, ROhio, the chairman of the House Small Business Committee. “The shame of it is that the people who are going to suffer are small businesses and families all across this country. The large corporatio­ns will find a way to deal with these new rules and regulation­s. ... Hiring a fewmore lawyers or accountant­s to deal with these things is not a huge deal for them.”

Rung said the Obama administra­tion is working with small businesses to reduce the burden, and has also made strides in making contracts more efficient by consolidat­ing them throughout government.

That allows the government to insist on higher standards and still save money, she said. “In the end, you can’t always put a dollar figure on helping to advance human dignity fairness and safety in the workplace, as we’re doing though many of these executive orders.”

The use of executive orders on contractin­g to shape social policy goes back to President Franklin Roosevelt, who banned racial discrimina­tion in war production in 1941. President Kennedy strengthen­ed that order by requiring affirmativ­e action, and Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Clinton and George W. Bush signed orders strengthen­ing enforcemen­t and expanding the classes of people protected from discrimina­tion. Last year, Obama added sexual orientatio­n and gender identity to that line of executive orders.

“Federal procuremen­t is a powerful weapon by which American presidents attempt to expand their power and shape public policy in areas in which Congress has not acted or will not act,” argues Daniel Gitterman, a professor of public policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in an article in Presidenti­al Studies Quarterly. Obama is no different, he said.

“My sense is that he has clearly taken an interest in this particular tool,” Gitterman said. And with Congress safely in Republican hands for most of the remainder of his presidency, “you’ll probably see a spike now in terms of using that strategy.”

Obama has also taken his executive power as purchaser further than his predecesso­rs. Two recent executive orders expand the definition of contractor­s to include anyone who rents space from the federal government — including, for example, day care centers, military base concession­aires stands and vendors in national parks.

“In the context of these two executive orders, they’ve essentiall­y rewritten what it means to be a contractor, to get maximum participat­ion in these goals they’re pursuing,” said Marc Freedman, who directs labor law policy for the Chamber of Commerce.

And then there’s the most controvers­ial of the Obama contractin­g orders, called the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces executive order, which Freedman calls the “mother of executive orders.” That order requires contractor­s to disclose any labor violations of city, state or federal labor laws — or executive orders — against themselves or their subcontrac­tors.

Because the government can consider allegation­s of violations, businesses argue that the executive order deprives them of due process. The U. S. Chamber of Commerce also argues that some of the orders violate the separation of powers because Congress passed the 1949 Procuremen­t Act to ensure greater efficiency, while the orders impose additional rules “in pursuit of non- procuremen­t objectives.”

Rung says the Obama administra­tion has had extensive consultati­ons with businesses tomake sure the rules implementi­ng the orders can work.

“When we do these executive orders, we do extensive outreach to industry even prior to developing a proposed rule,” she said.

That’s too late, said Stan Soloway of the Profession­al Services Council, a trade group of government contractor­s. “Executive orders are not by their nature consultati­ve,” he said. “Once the executive order comes out, the implementi­ng rules have to adhere to the letter of the executive order. So you don’t get flexibilit­y.”

Some contractin­g regulation­s go back and forth depending on the party in power. President George H. W. Bush signed an executive order in 1992 requiring contractor­s to notify employees that they didn’t have to join a union to keep their jobs. Clinton revoked that order shortly after his election, George W. Bush reinstated it, and Obama revoked it again.

Similarly, if a Republican is elected president next year, “my guess is that a number of these Obama ones will get reversed rather quickly,” Gitterman said.

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 ?? MANDEL NGAN, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES ?? President Obama has taken his executive power as purchaser further than any of his predecesso­rs did.
MANDEL NGAN, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES President Obama has taken his executive power as purchaser further than any of his predecesso­rs did.

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