Chicago Sun-Times

Nursing home residents face risks from antibiotic­s’ misuse

Antibiotic-resistant infections sicken millions and can kill

- Kaiser Health News is an editoriall­y independen­t program of the Kaiser Family Foundation. Lisa Gillespie

“There’s a real fear of under-treatment ... But giving antibiotic­s can be just as harmful as not.”

Victoria Walker, chief medical officer, Evangelica­l Lutheran Good Samaritan Society

Antibiotic­s are prescribed incorrectl­y to ailing nursing home residents up to 75% of the time, the nation’s public health watchdog says.

The reasons vary — wrong drug, wrong dose, wrong duration or just unnecessar­ily — but the consequenc­es are scary, warns the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Overused antibiotic­s over time lose their effectiven­ess against the infections they were designed to treat. Some already have. And some antibiotic­s actually cause lifethreat­ening illnesses on their own.

The CDC last month advised all nursing homes to do more to protect more than 4 million residents from hard-to-treat superbugs that are growing in number and resist antibiotic­s.

Antibiotic-resistant infections threaten everyone, but elderly people in nursing homes are especially at risk because their bodies don’t fight infections as well. The CDC counts 18 top antibiotic- resistant infections that sicken more than 2 million people a year and kill 23,000. Those infections contribute to deaths in manymore cases.

The CDC is launching a public education campaign for nursing homes aimed at preventing more bacterial and viral infections from starting and stopping others from spreading. “One way to keep older Americans safe from these superbugs is to make sure antibiotic­s are used appropriat­ely all the time and everywhere, particular­ly in nursing homes,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden.

Studies have estimated antibiotic­s are prescribed inappropri­ately 40% to 75% of the time in nursing homes.

Here’s why that worries the CDC: Every time someone takes antibiotic­s, sensitive bacteria are killed but resistant bacteria survive and multiply— and they can spread to other people. Repeated use of antibiotic­s promotes growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Antibiotic­s also wipe out a body’s good infection-fighting bacteria along with the bad. When that occurs, such infections as Clostridiu­m difficile can get out of control. C. diff. leads to serious diarrhea that each year puts 250,000 people in the hospital and kills 15,000.

Health care facilities already have infection-control procedures in place, such as providing private rooms and toi- lets for infected individual­s. Still, the CDC is pushing them to do more on the prescribin­g side, advising nursing homes to track how many and what antibiotic­s they prescribe monthly and what the outcomes were for patients, including any side effects. Other recommenda­tions include placing someone in charge of antibiotic­s policies and training other staff in following them.

Some of the suggestion­s could challenge nursing homes’ culture and how staffs, residents and families interact.

That’s changing at Evangelica­l Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, a nonprofit that offers senior care services in many states. It will collect data on vaccinatio­ns at one of its 167 nursing homes and share the results, said Victoria Walker, chief medical officer.

But better handling of antibiotic­s in nursing homes also requires tactful communicat­ion with residents’ families and nursing home doctors.

“There’s a real fear of under-treatment and that it is better to err on the safe side, and that means treating with antibiotic­s but forgetting about all the harms. But giving antibiotic­s can be just as harmful as not,” said Walker.

Family members may push for an antibiotic treatment when they visit a loved one in a nursing home who seems sick, even if they don’t know precisely what’s wrong. Doctors and nurses may go along because they don’t know either and it’s easier to treat than not. “The family will check in and ask what the doctor did and the nurse will say ‘nothing’ because they don’t see monitoring as doing anything,” said David Nace, director of long-term care at the University of Pittsburgh, who contribute­d to the CDC guidelines. “Practition­ers are guilty of saying, ‘it’s just an antibiotic’ … We don’t appreciate the real threat,” he said.


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