Chicago Sun-Times



MOON ALERT: We have the “all clear” today to do business. The Moon is in Virgo. IF NOV. 6 IS YOUR

BIRTHDAY: Actress Emma Stone (1988) shares your birthday today. You have a joie de vivre and enthusiasm for life that is infectious to others. This is why people find you so stimulatin­g! They love your energy, humor and conviction. Go slowly this year. There is something important to learn. The first half of this year will seem slow, but soon your efforts of the past six years will start to show results! Get out into nature.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

Because you feel sympatheti­c to others today, you might offer some financial or practical help to someone in need. This is commendabl­e. Compassion is a wonderful thing. But remember to take care of yourself; don’t give away the farm.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Discussion­s with others will be whimsical and full of fancy today. People don’t want to discuss nitty-gritty, heavy-duty subjects. They want to discuss how to escape or how to do the impossible, which always takes a bit longer than the doable.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

Don’t worry if you are not all-systems-go at work. Today your ruler Mercury is dancing with fuzzy Neptune, which makes everyone inclined to daydream. People want to discuss fanciful ideas. Sorry, the rumor about that sexy movie star visiting your job is not true. Sigh.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

This is a creative day! Your imaginatio­n is in overdrive, and you are interested in creative projects and ideas. Trust your impulses. Write down some of your genius thoughts. You might use them later or you might not — who knows?

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

Family discussion­s will be warm and fuzzy today because all parties are sympatheti­c to each other. It’s that kinda day. This is why you might try to help a family member or, vice versa, you might ask for help. Or maybe you just need a sympatheti­c ear, or a sympatheti­c $50.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Don’t worry if you spend time daydreamin­g today. We all need time to daydream, and sometimes we do it on the job. Busted! However, this same astrologic­al influence can boost your imaginatio­n, helping you to come up with intriguing solutions. Maybe.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

If shopping today, you will be tempted by elegant, luxurious items. Oh yes. To begin with, you love beautiful things, and you have an unerring eye for beauty. And today, you feel you might reach out for the impossible, because why not?

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Your sensitivit­y to the subtler aspects of everything around you is heightened today. You might have flashes of ESP or some kind of mystical experience. You want to use your energy to get a clearer idea of how well you are doing at the art of living.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Your Spidey sense is heightened today — no question. This is why you should listen to your hunches and your gut feelings because you will probably be right. The buffers that usually surround us are weaker today, which means the vibes can get into your head. “I see live people.”

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Your ability to relate to friends and people in group situations is excellent today. This is because everybody is willing to give a little and be open to the softer elements in life. Of course, this might not help hockey players, but there you go.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

It’s easy to make a good impression on parents, bosses and VIPs today because they will admire you. And believe it or not, you will admire them in return. That’s because people are willing to see each other’s softer side. We all have our vulnerable underbelly, don’t we? (And some bellies are bigger than others.)

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Your idealism is aroused today, which is why you will be attracted to discussion­s about mysticism, spirituali­sm, the paranormal, or even philosophy, religion and politics. You’re more interested in musing about what might be, as opposed to what is.

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