Chicago Sun-Times

Public servants should listen to the citizens


Cleopatra Cowley-Pendleton, a Bronzevill­e resident standing near President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday, said when she saw Obama’s tears, “it was humbling.”

“I think its got to be an eyeopening and humbling experience to be in charge of all of us and meet so many of us that have become survivors of gun violence,” she said.

Obama met privately with the families before his remarks in the East Room. “He gets to interact with us and see what the effects are on our own families and reflect, ‘Wow, what would I do if that were me?’ ” she said. That says it all!

If every public servant from our governor to our aldermen would take a page from our president’s notebook, we would be living in a much better, different state and city. And if we did the same in Washington, D.C., our country would be changed for the much better. Go to the citizens to find out what they need to live a decent life.

Northa Johnson, Loop

Disappoint­ed citizens

I just finished reading Mark Brown’s column about how Gov. Bruce Rauner is disappoint­ed in Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Really? Let’s take out the “disappoint­ment meter” and see how both individual­s rate. Perhaps if our governor knew what he was doing, the state would not be in such dire straits and its people so desperate. Maybe if our services were not held hostage, citizens would not feel helpless.

I have lived in Illinois my entire life and have never seen a poorer excuse for a state leader. As a retired special education teacher and a human being, I cannot believe that Rauner would actually say that he is going to hold CPS students’ educations hostage unless he gets his way. Is this a second-grade playground? Is the bully going to hold onto our jump rope until we scream “uncle”?

Let’s get together as voters, parents, seniors, Illinois citizens and humans and scream ENOUGH! If anyone should be crying tears of disappoint­ment it is the citizens of Illinois.

Rae Anne Norlock, Darien

Zero tolerance

A senior city attorney resigns in disgrace. O.K. Going forward? We will make sure that the city attorneys REALLY understand that willfully concealing evidence in shooting cases is not upholding the high standards that the citizens of Chicago have come to expect from the city’s legal representa­tives.

Just to make sure everyone understand­s that he is serious about reform, Mayor Rahm Emanuel employed one of the more hackneyed expression­s of our times: zero tolerance. That will take care of it! Zero tolerance for missing files or doctored eyewitness testimony or shooting unarmed suspects or fraudulent educationa­l leaders or treasury embezzleme­nt or whatever. That takes care of it.

John Bourke, Huntley

Tone deaf

Maybe Rick Morrissey is the one who is tone deaf, not the Blackhawks [“Were Blackhawks tone deaf with ceremony honoring Patrick Kane?”]. He states that no charges were filed against Kane and the evidence was found not to support the accusation. How long should Kane have to pay for being falsely accused? Not one minute longer than he did. What a ridiculous column.

Chris Michalik, Glenview

 ?? | MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? President Barack Obama wipes a tear as he speaks on reducing gun violence in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday.
| MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES President Barack Obama wipes a tear as he speaks on reducing gun violence in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday.

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