Chicago Sun-Times



Today’s South was Tom Webb, known to all as “Tangle” because he encounters more blocked suits and entry woes than anyone in my club.

Against 3NT, West led a heart, and Tangle captured East’s king and saw 10 probable tricks. He cashed the queen of diamonds and led a second diamond.

When West threw a heart, Tangle took dummy’s A-K and lost the fourth diamond. He expected a heart return that would revive his queen, but East didn’t oblige: He led a club. Tangle took dummy’s ace, cashed two diamonds and exited with a club. After the defenders took two clubs, they shifted to spades, and declarer lost two more tricks.

Could you get untangled and make 3NT?

At Trick Two, South must play a low diamond from both hands. He guards against a 4-1 break (a 28 percent chance).

If East shifts to clubs, South takes the ace, comes to his queen of diamonds, cashes the queen of hearts, and reaches dummy with the ace of spades to finish the diamonds for nine tricks.


You hold: ♠ 10 8 4 3 ♥ AQ7 ♦Q4♣ J 862. Your part

ner opens one diamond, you respond one spade, he bids two hearts and you try 2NT. Partner then rebids three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner has a battleship. His two hearts was a strength-showing “reverse.” His three-heart rebid promised five hearts but longer diamonds. Since you have three useful honors,

slam is likely. Jump to five

or six hearts. Partner may

have A, KJ 1096, AKJ953,4.

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