Chicago Sun-Times

Minimum wage increases signed into law in Calif., N. Y.

Rate boosts pay for 6.5M Calif. workers; N. Y. OKs family leave

- John Bacon

In a major victory for Big Labor and the little guy, governors of California and New York each signed legislatio­n Monday that will push the minimum wage in those states to $ 15 per hour.

California Gov. Jerry Brown’s legislatio­n makes his state the first to commit to raising the minimum wage to $ 15 by the end of 2022. Under a deal reached with state lawmakers last week, the state minimum wage will rise to $ 10.50 on Jan. 1 for businesses with 26 or more employees. Annual increases will result in a minimum of $ 15 per hour in January 2022.

Smaller businesses would have until the end of 2022 to comply.

“This is about economic justice,” Brown said at a ceremony in Los Angeles.

“This is an important day. It’s not the end of the struggle but it’s a very important step forward.”

The increase will boost the wages of about 6.5 million California residents, or 43% of the state’s workforce, who earn less than $ 15, according to worker group Fight for $ 15.

New York’s plan will bring the $ 15 level to New York City before it goes statewide.

“Proud to sign into law $ 15 statewide minimum wage and the strongest paid family leave policy in the nation,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted after signing the bill at a labor rally in New York City.

For workers in New York City employed by businesses with at least 11 employees, the minimum wage would rise to $ 11 at the end of 2016, then another $ 2 each of the next two years. For employees of smaller companies in the city, the minimum wage would rise to $ 10.50 by the end of the year, then another $ 1.50 each year for three years.

For workers elsewhere in the state, the increase would be slower.

New York’s family- leave provision, when fully implemente­d, will make workers eligible for 12 weeks of paid leave when caring for an infant, a family member with a serious health condition or to relieve family pressures when someone is called to active military service.

About a dozen cities have already approved bumps in their minimum wages to $ 15, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and several other municipali­ties in California.

The federal minimum wage has stalled at $ 7.25 because of fierce opposition from some Republican­s in Congress who want the labor market to determine the pay floor.

Foes of increasing the federal level say the higher labor costs could force some businesses to replace workers with technology — or even shut down.

The Democratic Party adopted a $ 15 minimum in its platform this election season, and Sen. Bernie Sanders supports it. Hillary Clinton has said she backs a $ 12 pay floor.

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