Chicago Sun-Times



Dear Doctor K.: I heard that fasting will no longer be required before a cholestero­l test. Will the results still be as accurate?

Dear Reader: To answer your question, I need to first describe what a cholestero­l test is. There are three types of cholestero­l that typically are measured: LDL (“bad”) cholestero­l, HDL (“good”) cholestero­l and total cholestero­l ( basically, the sum of LDL and HDL).

There is a fourth type of fat measured at the same time: triglyceri­des. Most doctors order all four tests as part of what’s called a “lipid ( fat) panel.”

LDL, HDL and total cholestero­l levels are not much affected by having recently eaten, but triglyceri­des are. If measuring the triglyceri­des is not that important, then fasting becomes less important. Fasting is a hassle, for both patients and doctors. It may be a hassle for you to come for a blood test first thing in the morning, and then to have breakfast, and then to begin your day. And if your schedule doesn’t allow you to have the test until later in the day, continuing to fast becomes quite unpleasant. Indeed, if you have diabetes, long fasts can be dangerous.

Internatio­nal guidelines recently published in the European Heart Journal became the latest official recommenda­tion against routine fasting for cholestero­l tests. I spoke to my colleague, Dr. Naomi Fisher, an endocrinol­ogist at Harvard- affiliated Brigham andWomen’s Hospital. She noted that these guidelines defend what many health care systems and doctors have been practicing for several years already. That’s because many studies in recent years have found that eating has only slight, clinically insignific­ant effects on total, HDL and LDL cholestero­l.

Perhapsmor­e important, large- scale analyses have shown that non- fasting lipid measuremen­ts don’t weaken the ability of lipid levels to predict harmful events like heart attack and stroke. In fact, post- meal measures are thought to strengthen their predictive ability. This observatio­nmay stem from the fact thatmost people eat severalmea­ls plus snacks during the day. Thatmeans we spend most of our time in a “fed” state, not a fasting state. So lipid levels after eating may best reflect our normal physiology.

Having said this, I still ask some patients to come in the morning for fasting blood tests. First, high levels of triglyceri­des do increase the risk of heart disease. Very high levels can cause other health problems, including inflammati­on of the pancreas. So if a person’s triglyceri­des tend to be high, I like to monitor them in the fasting state so that the results can fairly be compared to previous fasting results. Also, a fasting blood sugar ( done on the same blood sample) is valuable in monitoring people at risk for getting diabetes. So there can be two reasons, in certain patients, to obtain a fasting blood sample.

So ask your doctor if you really need to skip breakfast before your next blood draw. There may be a good reason, like the ones I’ve just given. But there may not be. Traditions die hard. But science eventually preserves only the traditions with proven value.

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