Chicago Sun-Times

Trump: I’ll accept result — if I win


DELAWARE, Ohio — Mocking his critics, Donald Trump pledged Thursday to fully accept the outcome of next month’s presidenti­al election — if he wins. The Republican said he reserved the right to contest questionab­le results, deepening his unsubstant­iated assertions that the race against Hillary Clinton could be rigged against him.

Trump’s comments came a day after his stunning refusal in the final presidenti­al debate to say whether he would concede to Clinton if he loses. Campaignin­g Thursday in must- win Ohio, Trump tried to make light of the situation.

“I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidenti­al election,” he said. After letting that vow hang in the air for a few seconds, he added, “If I win.”

71 million debate viewers

The final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump reached 71.6 million television viewers, meaning two of the three most- watched presidenti­al debates in history occurred during this campaign.

The debate from Las Vegas, moderated by Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace, exceeded the 66.5 million people who watched the second debate. The first time these two candidates met on stage in September, the audience of 84 million set a viewership record, the Nielsen company said.

$ 70 million in September

Donald Trump’s cam- paign blew through about $ 70 million last month, more than double what it spent in August.

WikiLeaks taunts Kaine

WikiLeaks is taunting Democratic vice presidenti­al Tim Kaine and interim chairman of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile. The organizati­on, which has been posting stolen emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, said in a tweet that it has a “surprise in store” for Kaine and Brazile.

Emails: Clinton pushed for Morocco summit

Hacked emails show Hillary Clinton personally pushed for a Clinton Foundation summit in Morocco last year that stoked public controvers­y over her family charity’s reliance on large sum donations from foreign government­s.

Clinton confidant Huma Abedin bluntly said in the January 2015 email that “if HRC was not part of it, meeting was a non- starter” and then warned: “She created this mess and she knows it.”

 ?? EVAN VUCCI/ AP ?? Donald Trump speaks in Delaware, Ohio, on Thursday.
EVAN VUCCI/ AP Donald Trump speaks in Delaware, Ohio, on Thursday.

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