Chicago Sun-Times

Cubs fans have taught a nation how to be real fans

- Tony Strothers, Oklahoma City

I’m an Astros fan. I always will be. But many of us grew up watching two superstati­ons that came to prominence during the dawn of cable TV in the late ’ 70s and early ’ 80s. We were privy to an inside look at two organizati­ons, and secretly some of us loved the teams. Those teams were the Braves broadcast on TBS and the Cubs over on WGN.

WGN brought those of us who will never call Chicago home a taste of the amazing city. In fact, I once joked with some friends from Chicago when I went there with my sister and brother- in- law that if I got separated from them for any reason, they were to go to Empire Carpets. Why? Because I knew their telephone number by heart.

I watched so many of their games and laughed like crazy at Harry Caray. Hemade Chicago Cubs baseball cool. I remember all of the Chicago greats who never tasted what the Cubs are tasting tonight. Who got a taste of what the city of Chicago was like by watching their nightly news. Who watched diehard fans remain optimistic through somany down years. We all secretly rooted for them to finally overcome their curse.

Congratula­tions to all of you in or from Chicago. You are a great city that deserves this so much. Thank you, WGN, for allowing me to be part of something bigger when it comes to real dedication to a team. Thank you for teaching me the lesson that true fans don’t measure their love of a team based on wins.

I forget that lesson sometimes, but all I have to do is look back on a filledtoca­pacity Wrigley Field during all of those games in the ’ 80s on WGN and it reminds me to be a better fan of the teams I choose to support today. Chicago Cubs baseball is a reminder that character is not measured by how we win in this life, but by howwe deal with loss. With that said, it is with great honor and incredible happiness that I utter these final twowords . . . GO CUBBIES!!!



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