Chicago Sun-Times

Fix Obamacare or find a better solution


The only thing “predictabl­e” about columnist S. E. Cupp’s screed in Thursday’s paper — headlined “The Predictabl­e Obamacare Collapse” — was its reliance on right- wing talking points. Yes, insurance premiums are going up. That is what health- care premiums do — they go up. What isn’t going up, however, is the rate of growth in overall health expenditur­es in our country, which was the case before the Affordable Care Act. What also isn’t going up is the percentage of people who are uninsured, the number of people denied coverage because of pre- existing conditions or the number of people going bankrupt because of health expenditur­es.

It is way past the time for folks on the right to stop stomping their feet like children and either improve the healthcare system we have or propose and implement a better one. Don Anderson, Oak Park

Higher minimum wage will kill jobs

Most people who work in grocery stores, restaurant­s and fast food places make a lot less money than the new minimum wages now being pushed across the country. As the new minimum wages go into effect, expect to see food prices increase across the board, and we will hear again about how people can’t live on the minimum wage.

A lot of these workers, by the way, are high schoolers, college kids and retirees; they don’t expect to live off these wages. Expect to see a lot fewer of them getting jobs in the future. Larry Craig, Wilmette

SUN- TIMES ENDORSEMEN­TS: To view or print a summary of our endorsemen­ts for the Nov. 8 election, go to suntimes candidates. com.

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