Chicago Sun-Times



“I used to have a fear of speed bumps, but I got over it.” — graffiti

It might be nice if some deals came with a built- in method of slowing down the play. Many mistakes stem from carelessne­ss or a lack of focus.

In today’s deal, West led the deuce of hearts against four spades. East took the ace and, knowing that West’s lead was a singleton, promptly returned a heart. West ruffed and shifted to a diamond, whereupon South claimed, making five.

West could have cashed his ace of clubs, holding South to his contract, but East had a lapse. It takes four tricks to beat a major- suit game, and since East could expect no tricks in trumps or diamonds, he needed two clubs.

At Trick Two, East must shift to the jack of clubs. If declarer’s king covers, West can take the ace and return a club to the ten, and then East gives West his heart ruff.

East’s problem would be harder at matchpoint duplicate, but at IMPs or party bridge scoring, a club shift is mandatory. DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠A K 6 ♥K Q 8 ♦A Q J 7 2 ♣ 9 2. You open one diamond, and your partner bids one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: A jump to 2NT is possible ( some players would have opened 2NT), but the club weakness is troubling. Bid two hearts, a forcing “reverse,” planning to show spade support next. If partner raises hearts, you can return to spades safely, knowing he has at least five. With 4- 4 in the majors, he would have responded one heart. North dealer Both sides vulnerable

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