Chicago Sun-Times

Voter’s guide for the future


1. Remember that every vote counts. 2. It is not only your right to vote; it is your duty. Others have sacrificed for you to have that privilege.

3. Third- party candidates never win; they only defeat the candidate you would prefer of the two. Don’t waste a vote.

4. When a candidate speaks, believe him or her. It isn’t the voters’ job or the candidates’ surrogates’ job to determine what he or she “really means.” People show you who they are — believe them.

5. Website news isn’t news. Only newspapers are held accountabl­e for what they print. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet or hear on talk radio.

6. Inciting is not the same as inspiring. A candidate who delivers divisive language and encourages their audience to do the same is not fit for office.

7. Take notice of what kind of people work with the candidate and also hold them accountabl­e for their language and demeanor.

8. Don’t be a passive citizen. Write to your congressme­n and senators, and if they are unresponsi­ve, vote them out. Even though Congress has terrible popularity ratings, almost all incumbents are re- elected.

9. Vote during mid- term elections. If you don’t approve of the direction of the party or its leaders, make your opinions known.

10. We can’t change the outcome of the elections once they happen. Don’t regret later that you felt the process was entertainm­ent and wish you had taken it more seriously. Betty Kleinberg, Deerfield


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