Chicago Sun-Times

Questions remain year after San Bernardino

- Colin Atagi

Fourteen people were killed and 22 others were injured in a shooting rampage during a holiday party in San Bernardino, Calif., one year ago Friday, but many questions remain unanswered.

Despite extensive efforts, investigat­ors still don’t know exactly why a Redlands couple — Syed Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27 — committed the attack at the Inland Regional Center on Dec. 2. Authoritie­s believe they were radicalize­d by the Islamic State terrorist organizati­on, but little informatio­n on their motive has been unearthed.

“There are many theories as to why that location was chosen,” FBI spokeswoma­n Laura Eimiller said. “We may not ultimately ever know why, whether it was opportunis­tic, whether they specifical­ly targeted that location, whether they even had a secondary location based on the amount of weaponry they had.”

Farook and Malik wore dark militaryst­yle clothing and carried assault rifles, handguns and 1,600 rounds of ammunition. They also had a bag containing an explosive that they left behind that never detonated.

Law enforcemen­t officials searched their home and found more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition. The couple also left behind a 6- month- old baby who is still being “passed around from foster home to foster home,” with Farook’s sister trying to get custody of her, said FBI Supervisor­y Agent Sid Patel during a talk in Rancho Mirage.

The pair never left the area and authoritie­s say it’s possible there were plans to return to the facility and activate the explosive.

Otherwise, nothing is known about their activities between the time of the killing and the shootout between police that left them both dead.

The case remains under investigat­ion.

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