Chicago Sun-Times


- Charisse Jones and Eli Blumenthal @ charissejo­nes and @ eliblument­hal USA TODAY

Whether it’s demanding unique gifts or paying heed to charity, Millennial­s are putting their own distinctiv­e stamp on the holiday retail experience. m Young consumers, roughly those below age 35, played a key role in the record- breaking surge that made Black Friday the first day ever to rack up more than $ 1 billion in mobile sales.

The nation’s 75 million Millennial­s now outnumber Baby Boomers, with their buying power this holiday season projected to total $ 85 billion — nearly 10% of the $ 1 trillion forecast to be spent overall, tracking service Nielsen says. The 86 million Americans coming up behind them, mostly teens or teenyboppe­rs now, will potentiall­y pack an even greater consumer punch.

“Millennial­s are going to be a driving force in changing holiday shopping,’’ says Thom Blischok, strategic global retail adviser to Nielsen.

Some retailers are pulling out all the stops. They want shoppers such as Corey Marsh, 26, a food industry product developer and native of New York who likes looking at merchandis­e and chatting with salespeopl­e. But speed is essential: “I don’t want to be waiting in line for 20 minutes to check out. That’s what will drive me toward online shopping.”

How Millennial shoppers are distinctiv­e:


They want experience­s worthy of becoming an Instagram or SnapChat moment.

At Nike Soho in New York, shoppers can put on a pair of basketball sneakers and try them out in a virtual game of hoops at Brooklyn Bridge Park, or don a pair of running shoes to take a virtual jog through Central Park.

They can also connect with various apps by tapping on touch- screens.

“We’ve had very strong response from consumers to our immersive digital experience­s,’’ Nike spokesman Brian Strong says. “Our Nike+ Basketball Trial Zone has been full since we opened.”


Younger consumers also enjoy giving business to local, independen­t retailers, and they prefer one- of- a- kind items. PwC’s holiday report found 43.23% of Millennial­s and 33.18% of 17- to 20- year- olds mostly in the following generation are very or extremely likely to purchase handmade items. That’s compared to 34.73% of Gen Xers and 27.62% of Boomers.

“The only time I will go to a store is if it is supporting a local artist,” says Sam Black, 25, a community educator for a nonprofit in Baltimore.


An eBay survey found 67% of Millennial­s feel they’d be more likely to choose a holi-

day gift from a company that donated proceeds to charity, compared to one that did not.

Target, for instance, is the exclusive seller of “UNICEF Kid Power,” a fitness tracker for children that awards points, based on how much they move, that in turn go toward releasing food packets for severely malnourish­ed children around the globe.


Millennial­s tend to let their fingers do the shopping, going online to evaluate a product’s quality, compare prices and tick off purchases, particular­ly on their tablets and smartphone­s.

A Nielsen survey found that by Nov. 23, 70% of shoppers between the ages of 18 and 34 who’d already begun their gift buying purchased something online. That’s compared to 34% of that age group who shopped in a department store, and 64% overall.

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