Chicago Sun-Times



“Simple Saturday” columns are meant to help aspiring players improve technique and develop logical thinking.

This week’s deals have treated helping partner on defense. Defenders signal “attitude” first ( whether they wish a suit to be led or continued), then “count” ( how many cards they hold in a suit), then maybe “suit preference.”

Today’s declarer takes the king of diamonds and leads a spade to dummy. East signals with the three. Clearly, he doesn’t like spades, so the deuce shows “count”: an odd number.

Dummy then leads the queen of clubs, and East follows with the eight, showing an even number — surely four since South won’t hold six clubs on the bidding.

When West takes his king, he may be tempted to shift to a low heart. But West knows that South has only eight tricks: three spades, two diamonds and three clubs. A heart shift isn’t necessary. If West trusts East’s signals and continues with the jack of diamonds at Trick Four, South will end a trick short. DAILY QUESTION You hold: - er, at your right, opens one diamond. You pass, the next player bids one spade and the opening bidder raises to two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: You couldn’t act over one diamond. You lacked - call, and a double would have been unprepared for a spade response by partner. Since you have a good hand with length in both unbid suits, double for takeout now. South dealer N- S vulnerable

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