Chicago Sun-Times



MOONALERT: We have the “all clear” today to shop and do business. The moon is in Aries. IF FEB. 1 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY:

Author Meg Cabot ( 1967) shares your birthday today. You are positive and optimistic. You are also impulsive and full of surprises. At heart, you are a humanitari­an. Initially, this year begins quietly, which is why you might not see major changes until next year; however, it will be a year of growth, constructi­on and building. Do what you can to reduce your debt and strengthen your financial position because you are building for your future!

ARIES ( March 21- April 19):

Today you are more emotional than usual because the moon is in your sign. However, you are also luckier than all the other signs. With your ruler, fiery Mars, in your sign as well, you are a force to contend with. Look out world!

TAURUS ( April 20- May 20):

The sun makes you conspicuou­s, Venus makes you sweet and sociable, and this is why you need to keep a low profile today— just to catch your breath. You can’t be all things to all of the people all of the time.

GEMINI ( May 21- June 20):

You might cater to your desire for adventure by talking to a female friend or a member of a group today. This conversati­on could be significan­t. Meanwhile, we know you want to get outta Dodge. Relations with authority figures are very cozy.

CANCER ( June 21- July 22):

Personal details about your private life might be public today. They might relate to travel for pleasure, which is something you want to do. However, you also have a strong focus on shared property, taxes, debt and inheritanc­es. Hmmm.

LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22):

Do something to shake up your world a little. You want adventure! ( You want to get away from all this.) Romance beckons because your sex drive is strong right now, but also you might have plans because gifts and money from others can come your way.

VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22):

Continue to get better organized because this is what you want to do right now. You have a need to do this, not just a want. Fortunatel­y, relations with co- workers and friends are smooth. Today you might deal with disputes about shared property, inheritanc­es or insurance issues.

LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22):

Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others, because today the moon is opposite your sign. ( This means it is in Libra, and Libra is 180 degrees opposite from Aries.) In addition, fiery Mars is opposite your sign, which means it’s all too easy to feel annoyed with others.

SCORPIO ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21):

Despite your strong focus now on home and family issues, today you will work to get better organized. You might also want to focus on your own health needs and, perhaps, something that is related to pets. This can be a busy, productive day for you.

SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21):

Your daily tempo is accelerati­ng now, and today in particular you want to play! Book a long lunch if you can. Meet a friend for happy hour. Entertain at home. Some of you will also be busy with the needs of children or something related to sports.

CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19):

Although you are focused on earnings and cash flow right now, if you had your druthers, you would cocoon at home and watch daytime TV. And maybe you can? Grab every opportunit­y to “hide” and feel comfy among familiar surroundin­gs.

AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18):

You are strong right now with the sun in your sign. Plus today, the moon and feisty Mars will give an edge to all your communicat­ions with others. In fact, you might come on too strong. You definitely want the facts— and nothing but the facts. “Thank you, ma’am.”

PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20):

This is a money day for you. You’re thinking about your assets and your financial worth, and at a deeper level, you wonder what really matters. The reason you have to know what matters is so you don’t put your money on the wrong horse.

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