Chicago Sun-Times



Unlucky Louie, who always seems to lack ready cash, says everything would be fine if the Dollar Store sold gas. If only Louie improved his play, he would have money to spare.

In today’s deal, West’s cue bid of two clubs showed length in both major suits. Louie became declarer at 3NT and, luckily for him, West misguessed which major to lead. Louie took the queen of spades and led the king and a low diamond.

When West threw a heart, Louie took the A- Q and tempted East by leading the jack of clubs. But East played low, and West won and led the king of spades. Louie ducked that, but next came a heart shift. Down Louie went.

Louie blamed his luck, but at Trick Two he can lead his low diamond to dummy’s ten. If East wins, Louie overtakes the king later.

If East ducks the first diamond, Louie lets the eight of clubs ride. When he gets back in, he overtakes the king of diamonds with the ace, cashes the queen and lets the jack of clubs ride. He makes an overtrick. DAILY QUESTION You hold: one club, your partner bids and he tries three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: You should certainly show your spade support; the issue is how many spades to bid. Your high- card count is minimum, but all of ! " # ! ! $ to four spades to suggest strong three- card support. If partner happens to have slam aspiration­s, your bid will help him judge. South dealer N- S vulnerable

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